
In your opinion, the entrance of new countries in EU is good or bad for her?

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  1. There has been a huge debate over the last 15 years on the way EU is going to enlarge. Widening Vs Deepening.

    EU has chosen to enlarge using both methods, something rather unusual.

    In a few words enlargment is inevitable; the process is the only issue.

    Personally I think that there should be limitations to enlarment based on qualitative criteria in order to enable a smoother integration. Widening has already been used extensively and it starts to reflect a Union of very different states with very different needs unable to adopt to the current requirements and general profile of the European Union. If it continous like that then there's a big possibility that the Union will lack orientation and eventually will head to self destruction.-

  2. It depends on the new country!  The EU doesn't need to add any more countries with bad economies or bad productivity.

  3. Good. More cooperation is good.

    It's much better than 27 different countries all competing to see who can be the most protectionist. Open market, open borders - good for everybody.

    One can not focus on some short term effect. It's a long term commitment and the long term effects will be positive for everybody.

  4. I agree with "Bill H" and "Iris85" !

    EU's enlargement was huge these years and create a little problem of instability in the Union.

    After some years yes, but not yet !

    And the enlargement some day have to stop. All the earth will join EU ?

    The criteria for a country which wants to join EU , must be geographically first.

    We should not add in European Union, countries from Asia or Africa. Not because we are better than them (all humans are equal), but European Culture and Identity will change .

  5. bad bad bad.the poorer countries will  allow anyone in - with a bribe...- and they will then go from there anywhere in the UE

  6. That really depends on who is answering your question.  It is both a good and bad thing for the EU.  Good, because it fosters more cooperation, it creates better trade relations, lowers tariffs, creates economic efficiency by consolidating currency (hopeufully), and bolsters economic growth for the organization as a whole.  Bad, because many communities in the EU do not favor influx of immigration.  This happened after the big 10 push in 2004.  They also do not like to spend more money on much poorer nations (thats all thats left in Europe) because they feel their tax dollars are going to work for someone else.  It also can dilute the cultures already present in the EU, making them less distinct.  There are many many ways you could go with this.  Economically, I think its great for the EU in the long run because eventually, the already existing members will get an economic return.  Culturally, I think its not such a great thing because it can cause such a negative cultural impact and have immigrant backlash.

  7. Good for the countries joining in that they get access to more markets but bad for the existing richer countries if it means an influx of cheap labour.

  8. At this time , it's not good idea.

    An exception could be a country like Iceland, which is a well developed country, pure European that will not make problems in EU.

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