
In your opinion, what are a U.S. citizen's duties?

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To me, they are to take an oath of allegiance to America, do not break the laws of America, vote for the political leaders of America, and help out by doing community service. What do you think? Just wondering!




  1. To vote, to think globally, to learn how other countries function, study history independently, to stay informed through respectable sources, to remain open to emerging factors, and to stand on whatever positions you've chosen.

  2. I think the more we give, the more we get back.

    Weve stopped giving much in the last 30 years, and its hurt us pretty badly. People are concentrating on themselves, and like to believe that this country exists to let them do what they want.

  3. I agree with you and in addition we should all give back in some way shape or form.  To quote Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

  4. Good people do nothing.

  5. buy american goods.

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