
In your opinion, what are the most boring sports to watch in the Olympics?

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Even thought I am a distance runner I find the cycling and running distance events incredibly boring to watch. They should just shoe the last lap.




  1. i got to agree with you womens basket ball!!!! i fall asleep

  2. soccer - so boring and they hardly score

  3. I find a lot of the equipment-based races to be difficult to grasp.  Marathon and triathlon I just have a ton of respect for, so I understand what they're doing and I know I absolutely can't do it.

    But the only one I don't have respect for is beach volleyball.  Sand on the volleyball court is ridiculous.  It's just not as beautiful as indoors volleyball.  Even the professional beach volleyball players would rather play indoors.

    Tom: There are actually a lot of tactics in the marathon.  If anything, there are no tactics to 100m or 200m racing.  In the marathon, you need to decide when to keep pace with the leader or when to break, see if you can keep pace and then overtake others on a hill, which is a really big psychological blow, and more.  Constantina Tomescu, the winner of the women's marathon, went for the early break tactic.  This is really risky since you spend a lot of energy early and have very slim chances of winning the spring in the end should you be caught, but it worked for her.

  4. Boxing

  5. I think it's the Marathon!

    The world's longest track and field events - the marathon race

    Marathon was a Greek name. 30 km northeast of Athens. Derived from the name of its Phoenician language marathus, means "more of fennel," because the growth here and many ancient trees and fennel name. Sport must name the marathon race here.

    Greece Persian war (BC 492 - the former 449), 490 years BC, the Persian King Darius I Hercynian crossing transgression, Jinji A Dika, in the northeast of the city from the Athens Marathon Gulf landing. Athens Army courageously fight, in a marathon defeat the Persian army Plain. Shicheng marathon battle. In order to quickly tell the news of the victory in Athens, Greece to send long-distance race winners in the Andean Feidi Bailey (Pheidippides) ran from Marathon to Athens Central Plaza (full 42 kilometers 195 meters). Top speed completion of the 36.2 km distance to the victory and send the news, physical failure lying on the ground died. And the miracle of the glorious achievements and become a national hero in Greece.

    The first Olympic Games held in 1896, Coubertin adopted the historian Tony Blair (Michel Breal) the history of this matter to the establishment of a sports building, and be known as the "marathon." Fiji game was used to run than the Andean by the line, about 40 km from the 200 meters. After 10 years, running the marathon distance has been maintained at around 40 km. 1908 No. 4 Olympic Games held in London, the British royal family to facilitate the staff to watch Marathon, the starting point will be specially set up in Windsor Palace balcony, the end of the venue in the Olympic movement, the starting point to measure the distance between the end of the 26 miles 385 yards , Converted to 42.195 kilometers. The IAAF later identified as the distance between the standard marathon distance running. Women's marathon in late 1984 were not included in the 23rd Olympic Games.

    As marathon general outdoors, more uncertain factors, so in January 1, 2004 have been using the marathon world record, no world records.

  6. field hockey sux

    marathons suck

  7. running, track, the trampoline (honestly why is that even in the olympics)

  8. There is a bid to put cricket into the London 2012 Olympics, it appeared also in the 1900 Olympics. Even for the most avid cricket fan will agree the time between bowling and hitting a ball can drag on for several minutes. The final overs can be exciting but it is certainly an acquired taste. I am sure that few American's will neither understand its complex rules nor approeciate the slow pace of the game.

  9. swimming, badminton, table tennis, shooting, football/soccer, boxing

    I think there all boring  

  10. marathon and racewalking,  wtf is racewalking doing in the olympics.

  11. shot putting

  12. Basketball, tennis, water polo, cycling, and marathon running.

  13. If nbc's moronic play-by-play commentators would just shut up, it would be much easier to watch distance events. They really don't show much of them anyway, except the marathon. The 10000 had about 80 percent of it chopped out.

    The most boring sport to me is the competition among NBC commentators to see who can kiss Michael Phelps's butt the most times.

  14. Probably the most boring would be Trap Shooting. Even though I thoroughly enjoy the sport, the level of expertise is so high that the winner is the one who doesn't make any mistakes after hours of competing. That would explain why there isn't much coverage on TV.  

  15. Marathon easy winner.  It's just pace running, there are no tactical moves involved.  To go through 2-2.5 hours of that? I think I'd rather watch paint dry on a wall.

    Honorable mentions - Equestrian, Shooting, Trampoline

  16. Dressage.

  17. Fencing- they hit each other like once then take a break over and over, Equestrian

  18. Synchronized Swimming.

  19. ummm badminton is pretty boring, so is long distance walking? i mean come on, who cares if you can walk faster than somebody else

  20. defenitly shooting!!! sooo booooring!!

  21. the first guy is a moron. badminton is not boring at all. i bet he has never even tried that sport and that PE c**p does not count as badminton. whats boring in the olympics is long distance running, esquetarian, cycling, shooting, archery, weight lifting.

  22. the most goring game is boxxing...............

  23. The marathons.

    I fell asleep watching them!

  24. Men's gymnastics.  

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