
In your opinion, what are the most important factors to maintaining a successful kitchen?

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In your opinion, what are the most important factors to maintaining a successful kitchen?




  1. Keeping all necessary pots and pans hanging within easy reach.  Mine hang on nails near my stove and near my sink.

    Keep spices within easy reach -three small shelves in one unit that hang near the stove.

    Make a permanent space for the most used things like a place where everyone in the family may keep his or her glass for the day that can be used several times for water and beverages and can be wwashedand put back into that place.  This saves loads of time and confusion.

    Create a shelf space just the size of the most used tine canned food the you use. For example tomato sauce or corn or juices or whatever.and you can hang it anywhere even outside on the porch  or in a hall way or anywhere that the wall is free.  I ususuallyeep this out of the kitchen.

    Plan to have a space( over the counter space ) where you can install another  2 shelves half as deep as your counter space.  This is very important if you have to prepare for several people.  You make the plates in the kitchen and place them on these shelves.  Someone else can then walk them to the table.  Alternately you can use it or them if you installed two for storing your most used dishes  - a pile for the flat plates, a pile for the small vegatable and dessest plates and another for the soup bowls.

    Next to the sink keep a small.empty milk carton that you have cut down to the size that you want.  Use it to put all the detritus that gets caught on your sink drain like bits of vegetables and stuff that you did not scrape off the plates before you set them aside for washing.  This saves you time instead of all the movement a thaat you normally have to do to open a garbage bin like the cover etc.etc.  It saves time.

    My idea of a good kitchen includes the wide version of a refrigerator so the dishes that have been prepared even the day before can be placed where you can see them and d know exactly the quantities that have been prepared.

    You should be able to move without stepping too much.  Have the sink opposited the stove area and make sure you maximize unclutered counter top space.

    Keep your small appliances so that you can use them immediately or for those that use do not use all the time (like a mixer cutter blender combinatiion) You should only have to plug in or uncover.  I keep mine under a homemade shelf unit composed of the top and the two sides.  I use the covered top to set my cell phone recharger on.  

    Keep a special place to always have the napkin supplies handy.

    Put cutlery ( spoons forks etc. ) in a container so that they can stand vertically.  It is easier to manage taking out what you need.  I use my dishwasher container. I have two.  I keep one on the counter.

    Learn to just rinse you kitchen cooking stirring and tasting spoons so you have a fresh one ready - on each pot you are cooking and have a resting plate on the stove itself to keep you  working tools near your pots and pans.

    Use the slightly used paper napkins (recycle) to scrape away the oil from pans that have to be wahsed and also use them to scrape plates clear ewspecially when you served chicken or fish.  Then they are ready to be washed.

    These are the main things.  

    I hope that you found this interesting because most people waist so much time tin the kitchen and they become exhausted because they are not time movement and efficientcy concious. becuase they have never thaought about it.   My system works and works real well. You night lilke to try it.

    It is what I would call a successful kitchen.

  2. three words

    clean, organized, maintained

  3. 1. keep it clean

    2. no salmonella

    3. always have your proper utensils (forks, spoons, knives, etc.)

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