
In your opinion, what are the top three reasons that America has gone downhill?

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This question is meant to be very broad. Economics, Family Life, Entertainment, Education... You pick the subject and tell me why it has caused a decline.




  1. money, money, money.

    ppl don't hate america (ppl though most american visitors in asian countries are ignorant imbiciles), we just don't like yr greedy government who invades other countries to steal their oil.

  2. overdependence on oil = greed

    overimportance on self-worth = yearly raises, inflation

    allowing too many people in who cannot speak the language.

  3. politicians ,divorce(one parent family) , lack of good education.


       Education stinks these days .. schools want to be responsible for every aspect of a child's life .. they can't even discipline .

      Divorce .. too many people think that one parent can raise a child .. when in truth , a child has 2 parents for a reason .. he/she needs to experience both a male and a female parent on a consistent basis

      Politicians .. I've seen a lot in my life but politicians seem to be working hard for themselves and not for the voters anymore ... greed and self important fools are running us into the ground .

  4. Drugs has affected every family in this country one way or another.  Which in turn has had an impact on morals w/ the family unit falling apart. Which in turn has affected children not being educated because the parents are not parenting. Vicious cycle.

  5. I believe we will rise to the ocassion.  Our economic situation caused by rising gas prices and housing loans, has affected our life style and various services.  Worse, yet are the lay offs, the closing of businesses, as well as rising crime.  What is of great concern to me is if Obama is president, we will be taxed heavier for his programs and it will be middle Americans who will shoulder the brunt of it.  Maybe, I'm too optomistic, but I believe we will get through this crisis because we are a resilient people.  If we think that we have gone downhill, then there will be a uphill.      

  6. Monopoly of the natural resources and man-made ones too. Many of the latter were paid for with public money anyway and in common with the former should be shared to give everybody a greater equality of opportunity. However greed and the apparent need to compete to any degree has resulted in the banks and landowners getting too much their own way.

    By transferring more of our taxes onto the land values and taking less from our incomes, it will enable America to make the opportunites more uniform again. TAX TAKINGS NOT MAKINGS.

    This is the only true reason no others apply to anything like this degree.

  7. 1. Racism

    2. Selfishness

    3. Arrogance

    not sure if these were the reasons you were looking for but so much falls under each of them especially the first but its too much to get into and its late so I don't have time.

  8. Government: Focusing on things that are unimportant, not listening to us but companies that put money into their campaign funds, etc, spending money on things that we didn't need.

  9. America has gotten away from God. America was founded on Christianity and we are getting far away from are foundations. That is why the U.S. has gone down hill.

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