
In your opinion, what did Bill Clinton REALLY mean in this part of a speech he gave yesterday?

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He said, "Suppose you're a voter, and you've got candidate X and candidate Y. Candidate X agrees with you on everything, but you don't think that candidate can deliver on anything at all. Candidate Y you agree with on about half the issues, but he can deliver. Which candidate are you going to vote for?"

Then after a long pause, he adds that "this has nothing to do with what's going on now."

Do you agree that his statement had nothing to do with what's going on now?




  1. don't mean to consend you but do you mean hilary

  2. I'm voting for Candidate Y

    and I don't need Bill to explain that to me.

  3. I don't know.  I didn't hear the speech so I don't know in what context he made the comment.  It's a pretty vague, general comment, so I can't possibly answer this question.

  4. Yes, I don't see the comparison.

    It is funny that at this point, Republican operatives are still trying to pry voters away from Obama by keeping them interested in Hillary, but they way they are doing it is by insinuating that you cannot believe anything the Clintons are saying.


  5. Remember, this is the guy who wanted to debate the meaning of the word "is".  

    I think it had everything to do with what is going on now, and that it means exactly what you think it means.

    He's encouraging people who voted for Hillary to vote McCain, so that Hillary can run in 2012. Why else would McCain say that he's only going to serve 1 term if elected?  

    If Obama wins, the Clinton's won't have the influence (or funds) that they once had in the party. Howard Dean posed a similar threat to the Clinton's in 2004, because of his fund-raising abilities (which make Obama's look like small potatoes). The Clinton's want to be the money people, they want to have influence over the Democratic Party and its direction.  An Obama win would mean the end of that for them.  the "making-friends" we're seeing is all just a show.

  6. He is unofficially endorsing John McCain by his speech. Being a professional politician he at this point will not endorse McCain directly, yet this is as close as it gets.

  7. Poor Bill, he can't support Obama but he doesn't want to support McCain.

  8. HE meant:

    VOTE JOHN McCAIN in  '08!   &  VOTE HILLARY CLINTON in '12!!!

    {Didn't yo love his devilish smile at the convention---knowing of what he had just said and knowing most sucker Dems probably hadn't realized it yet!!! What a master at the art of duplicity!!!! Kudos to him for being so EVIL!!!}

  9. He meant NOBAMA08! Good to see you're back. I've been away for a while for surgery.   A small rodent got lost in my belly and they had to remove it but now I'm back to defend America from the liberals once again

  10. He meant:



    He may agree with more of what Obama has to say, but he is being a pragmatist.   He knows Obama isn't as electable as McCain, so he will take McCain, with whom he agrees half the time, because he is more electable.   It all fits together:  McCain agrees to one term only, Obama is defeated and Hillary is a shoo-in for the '12 nomination.

  11. He meant get half now, and in 4 years you get the whole thing.  Actually a fairly artful move, that lends to plausible deniabity.

  12. This is just the Clinton machine setting up to run Hillary in '12. Obama has set himself up to snag failure from the jaws of victory, combined with the Pelosi fiasco, and the Clinton's know the liberals are fixing to lose everything.

    Clinton also knows this means he will lose his "legacy" also, because history is written by the victors. After the Dem's campaign "another 4 years of Bush", and 4 years later the Bush doctrines are still working, what are they going to say?  

  13. I think he was insinuating that NObama cannot deliver on his promises. Of course it would be impossible for NObama to deliver on his promises,Americans cannot afford a Tax Rate high enough to pay for it all.

    NObama 08


  14. Anybody who has at least once tried to solve scientific problem knows that  this is the way how abstract mind works.

    Clinton's elaboration indeed has nothing to do with what's going on.

  15. when Bill Clinton says anything I take it with a pinch of salt .... in a bizarre way I think I know what he is saying  

  16. he meant Obama can't get squat accomplished.

    not only that, someone can at least argue with McCain and ges something done, or at least know you have to agree to disagree.

    the kind of runaround by committee that people like Obama do drains ---and drones---the spirit

  17. i disagree, he obviously said it because of what's going on now otherwise why would he have said it.

    he needs to see his therapist ms. monica lewinsky

  18. He does not think Obama should be President. He is being consistent unlike some of the other Dems pretending they have no reservations about Obama after repeatedly saying otherwise

  19. he's snubbing Obama, encouraging Hilary supporters to vote for McCain, albeit for the selfish reason so that Hiliary can run in 2012. If Obama wins, she won't have another chance until 2016, and after a presumptive eight years of Obama this country would swing so far right that she would never have a chance. She knows this, that's why both Clintons are covertly endorsing McCain, although they can not come outright and say it or do it.  And you know you need to pay attention when Bill talks, because the meaning of the word "is" is very crucial and pivotal in the context of what he's talking about.

  20. No I believe it has a lot to do with what is going on now...and Bill is not an Obama fan...and I agree with him...McCain will do his best to deliver on what he says...McCain has honor...the rest, I'll be like Bill...fill in the blanks...

  21. Could you link this to a source please?  I would like to see it in context.

  22. No.  He was clearly stating that Candidate X is Obama.  Candidate Y could very possibly mean McCain.

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