
In your opinion, what do you think about advertising cigarettes?

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In your opinion, what do you think about advertising cigarettes?




  1. Its bad.

  2. Advertising or the lack of will not stop the amount of people smoking or starting the habit. It has no effect on the amount of young people taking it up either.

  3. Its not necessary to advertise cigs.  The people that smoke them are addicted and will buy them regardless of advertising.

  4. I used to really enjoy the cigarette commercials on TV when I was a kid. All the kids knew the songs from them, and we sang along. The commercials made us prefer one brand of cigarette over another before we even smoked! Most of them had s**y women in them, and most of the print ads you still see have pretty women smoking in them also.

    You can see a lot of the commercials on YouTube, including some where The Flintstones smoke Winstons and highly recommend them to viewers!

    I wish they would bring them back, have Bart and Lisa Simpson recommend a brand!

  5. I remember when cigarettes were advertised on TV, the radio, in magazines, and bill boards all over the place.  I do not smoke, I think it is a filthy habit, and I know it is not safe for your body, or for anyone else's who happens to be around you.  So, I think advertising for cigarettes is not a good thing.

    However, I have to admit that there were some really cleaver ads, one of the most unforgetable jingles was (I think) Salem commercial.  The song went like this, "You can take Salem out of the country, but! You can't take the country out of Salem!"  The jingle would be repeated several times during the 30 second/60 second commercial, and the last time, the last part was left off, so because you had heard it so many times, you just had to finish the jingle yourself!  That was cruel, because I remember many times being caught finishing the thought when the commercial ended.  I am sure they made lots of money with that particular subconscious commercial.

    So since it was in your mind, when you decided to try smoking, then you had the song in your head, and that prompted you to buy Salem!  Smart thinking!  You bet!  But still, I believe that they are dangerous.

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