
In your opinion, what do you think the best Alfred Hitchcock film is?

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I was just curious. My personal favorites are The Birds and Vertigo. I'm a huge Hitchcock fan!




  1. "The Birds" has gotta be right up there. I think the best one I have seen is "North by Northwest". It is hard to pick a fave because all his films were great.

  2. I'm a huge fan of Hitchcock. Here are my top faves in order....

    1.  Rear Window

    2.  Shadow of a Doubt

    3.  Vertigo

    4.  Strangers on a Train

    Did you know that of all his films, Hitch most liked Shadow of a Doubt. He said it was his most personal film.

  3. Psycho the old one and the new one cuz its the only film of his that i've seen  

  4. Definitely Psycho.  

  5. The Birds.

  6. In my opinion, the best Alfred Hitchcock film is: North By Northwest

  7. I am with you

    The Birds

  8. Notorious

    Romance and suspense Hitchcock style, nothing can beat that

  9. Rear Window and The Monkey's Paw.

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