
In your opinion, what do you think this means?

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"It is in the use of material things that a man finds full life for his body; develops his mind, and unfolds his soul. It is therefore of supreme importance to him that he should be rich."




  1. If human  = being + essence + notion, notion is using material and by exhibit further, their essence will grow. In order to have full development of essence, they need material which also need money.

    However, the key is in using the material, money just a mean to available of material.

  2. maybe that having materialistic things help him establish his selfworth/confidence.

  3. You need money to buy books, education and all things that will increase or enhance your spiritual journey.

    Things that experience alone can't teach you.

    The more money you have the more good you can do for yourself and others.


  4. Money buys options and time to fulfill personal goals.  The energy would otherwise be spent earning or worrying about money.  Money denotes a status on members of society that is a confidence boost.  That social boost elevates self esteem and that could be 'finding life for his body'.

  5. ...........................................

    ouchhh.i think i hurt myself thinking........

  6. I think anyone who has done any reading of philosophy will totally DISAGREE with these statements.  Because the more we search within to find our essence we discover everything we need in this life to be happy and secure is brought out from our soul.  Money does not make people happy, and fancy fast cars do not make someone happy or a better person.  Yes, outside materialistic items do show to the outside world that the person is successful in a monetary standpoint. Which is great! But to actually find people who are so rich and abundant with love and respect for themselves is so very rare.

    Thanks for reading!

  7. I agree with $ecret..

  8. i have absolutely no idea. i read it but my brain just didn't decode it. maybe it's because of of the better things my brain is hearing.


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