
In your opinion, what is a stylish person?

by Guest57545  |  earlier

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Dressing? Mannerism? Attitude? What?




  1. The person who accept & follow latest trend & fashion in terms of everything like cloths,hair style,lingo etc. with positive attitude is stylish person.  

  2. someone with self confidence, and knowledge. I have seen people dressed in the latest styles, with the right haircut, and followed all the social moves to look good, and were idiots. So stylish is the confidence to face anything and have the knowledge to best the peer group and show ones quality, gaining respect, and not swayed by the latest brand name.

  3. im 16 and to me a stylish person has their own identity in their clothes, confidence, a positive attitude, and doesn't care too much if ppl wont like thier outfits!

    i dont think u have to follow the latest trends to be stylish... i think its better to add ur own signature style to it as well!

    everyone can weae the same outfit but who can rock it the best!! like a uniform!!! looks different on everyone

  4. Someone who wears this shirt is stylish:

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