
In your opinion, what is the best antidepressant? Anyone take PRISTIQ?

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I'm getting ready to start PRISTIQ . A bit worried about side effects. Anyone take it? Pro? Cons?

Any opinions on the best, least side effects anti-depressant out there?




  1. the best anti-depresant is sunshine and laughter!

    I say this because I have been told over and over that I have depression, but when I am outside with my friends, I am so happy.

  2. An anti-depressant for what? Anxiety? Depression?

    It all depends on what your situation is, and what works best for your body. Some people throw up on a medicine, while some people feel great.

    Don't listen to stepford wife-A lot of people do fine on anti-depressants. You wouldn't even know they're on any...It saddens me how people are so ignorant about mental health.

    It's not people's fault that they have chemical imbalances.

  3. A friend of mine takes lexapro, she likes it.

  4.'s funny that you posted this question in GWS, but you might get a better response in the Health section :)

    Anti-depressants are overly prescribed. Seriously, I have at least 5 friends on anti-depressants for just "being sad". There's no need for that. Get a few opinions from a few different doctors before going on one.

    Reduced s*x drive is only one of the side effects of taking an anti-depressant. There's lots more, though.

    Edit: "It saddens me how people are so ignorant about mental health." ...then why recommend a medicene? Anyone who's ever studied mental health would be aware that everytime a doctor makes a prescription, he gets a certain amount of money per prescription. So what do they do? They write more of them.  Anti-depressants are so over prescribed it's sickening. I'm not saying there aren't people who need them, but a Yahoo question is not going to find the right one for this girl.

    The best advice anyone here gave you was from 50/50. Talk to a pharmacist before you end up taking a medicene some numb nut recommended from the internet. I don't care if they've taken a few pyschology courses and think they know all about depression. Talk to your doctor/pharmacist about any medicene you'll be putting into your body. Some brands do not react well when mixed with other meds. ONLY your doctor and pharmacist would know that. Do NOT take the advice of anyone on here.

  5. I don't think this is always the case, but I know for a fact that the Columbine Shooters(and most of the other school shooters) were on Anti-depressants. My sister in law went on them and began thinking that everyone hated her. She went crazy, but now that she is off them, she is fine. I know that the side effects are suicide. I just wanted to let you know what I knew about this.

  6. not being a feminist is the best antidepressant

  7. When my father died my mother's doctor prescribed her anti-depressants to help cope. When I found out about this my reaction was two fold. First I took the pills away from my mother and told her she should be depressed, she lost lost a husband of 43 years. My second step was to go to the doctors office and rip him a new on in his lobby, I went out of my way to be sure his patients were aware of his stupidity.

    In life we all must endure depression and I believe we must be depressed far more than we are happy. Life is all about contrast and you need your pain as much as your joy in order to be a healthy person. I do not think taking happy pills is the right choice for anyone.

    I am convinced that we have more doctors pushing un-necessary drugs than we have illegal drug dealers. And a doctor who pushes drugs for personal gain is far worse than a street thug selling drugs to idiots.

  8. anti depressants....controlling your thoughts....numbing your life...... get some excersise and a new hair do, stop thinking of the past. these pills will only put you in more of a delerious stupor!  alternative therapy is out there!

  9. I took antidepressants for years...they all didn't allow me to feel and that is what we have to deal with to move on....exercise was the best thing that ever happened to me...walk walk walk....

  10. I've never heard of this new drug. Might wanna try the Web MD link below and ask an expert.

    I'm with the person above though. Exercise cures many 'ills': walk, walk, walk. And work on thinking happy thoughts. It really works! We all have bad things to deal with, we just learn to suck it up and deal with it.

    Good luck. I hope you can avoid taking anything. ☺

  11. First off, Phil shows a complete lack of knowledge of the subject. Of course, he did not know you do not stop anti-depressant medicine cold turkey.

    There are some serious side effects from any anti-depressant medication.

    Talk to a pharmasist, no one here can tell you which is best.

  12. I think a lot of people answering here are ignorant to the reality of depression. Yes I do agree that anti-depressants are over prescribed to people with "the blue" but some people really do have mood disorder. This is a very real chemical imbalance that can't be cured with "laughter and sunshine." If it were people wouldn't die from it so often.

    But to answer your question, I've never heard of that drug. You may get better responses in the mental health section where people may have real experiences with the drug instead of just un-informed opinions.

  13. exercise 20 minutes day ,has been clinically proven to be more effective than the best antidepressants

  14. Looking at a feminist always makes me feel better.

    I laugh....then laugh some more.

  15. citalopram

  16. s*x

  17. Celexa. No side effects at all, except for when people are first getting used to them they are prone to headaches and nausea.

    Jim, I disagree. I run four miles a day. It DEFINITELY helps. But the pills are there for a reason. I agree that exercise is important, but it is not a cure-all.

  18. I would like to share my newest discovery in this area: vitamin D. It helps a great deal with depression, health of your bones and also weight balance. You need at least 2000 i.u. daily. Please, give it a try, before your start taking antidepressants. It is a vitamin and has no side effects. Best wishes.

  19. An exercise areobic enough to increase your heart rate substantially, really does wonders for depression. The pills only make you dependent.


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