
In your opinion, what is the role of a male supposed to be, what is the role of a female supposed to be?

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Should they be exactly the same? Or are women naturally more in tune with their childrens needs than are their male counterparts? What is your definition of a good man? a good woman?




  1. Lol you may make some feminists angry here by mentioning gender roles.... that said I'm more of a traditionalist.  Not that women HAVE to stay home with the kids, but i've read that while a woman's brain is more advanced in the area that processes empathy, a man's is more advanced in the area that processess analytical thinking and problem solving.

  2. Man: Protector, provider, leader.

    Woman: Nurturer, lover, mother.

  3. Nothing.  The male and female in a given relationship should figure out what works best for them, based on their individual talents and needs, and then assign the "roles" based on that.  No one should be boxed in to a particular role just because they were born a particular gender.  After all, you don't get to choose your s*x, so there is no reason why you should be confined/defined by it.

  4. The male should be the provider of the speratozoa and the female should be the recipient thereof.

  5. I don't go off of gender roles.  When I got with my husband we discussed our strengths, our weakness, our likes and dislikes and determined from there which roles we would do.

  6. Whatever they want them to be.

    Why should _I_ decide what other people do with their lives?

    No two people are exactly the same. Ever.

    Thus, for any couple, there will be things that one is better at, or cares more about, or prefers, than the other member of that couple. It makes sense, then, for them to divvy up all the stuff that the unit-as-a-whole needs in ways that plays to the talents, apptitudes, and likes of each member.

    It's simply not true that ALL women are more in tune with their children's needs than ALL men.

  7. Whatever they want them to be.  This is not to say they should be the same, as two people doing the same thing in one relationship is probably not efficient, but whichever is more suitable for childcare should do that - I don't believe men are less capable of bonding with / looking after their child - in fact, increased childcare would probably do a lot to strengthen that bond :-)

  8. In modern society people just need to balance out.

    Example: If one partner in the relationship cannot cook the other better know how, or they will both be eating out. For  many couples this is the sad reality.

    Generally things that have traditionally been considered a "man" or "woman" thing to do are now put on the credit card to be done by someone else.

  9. A man should be the leader in the house. That includes taking input from all family members and the man placing his own needs and wants last.

    Women are to provide the moral compass of the family.

    I guess this thinking has gone out the window, since both genders have become selfish and placing themselves first.

  10. A man decides what his role is; a woman decides what her role is; nobody else's opinion matters.

  11. There's no "roles" anymore, men and women should just live how they want to live.

  12. I think women are more likely to be maternal/ better at nurturing than men.  A man should not neglect his child, but a woman who does so just seems more unnatural to me, because I don't understand how she could reach that level of detachment.  Of course, I've not had a kid myself.  Perhaps they are really horrible or something.

  13. Standing Up To Pee Holy Gender Role:  Men

    Squatting To Pee Holy Gender Role:  Women

  14. I am a female working in law enforcement, so I've pretty much thrown the career gender role out the window. This is not to say that when I get married and have children that I don't want to be home when my children get home from school, or that I don't have dinner on the table every night, or that I don't clean the house. It's a balance. These days, men and women both work outside the home and both help out at home. It's just what is best for your relationship and your lifestyle at the moment. There are stay at home dads, there are women who work in male dominated fields like myself. I can mow the grass, change a tire, change my oil, and shoot a firearm, but I can also be girly and cook and clean and watch chick flicks. My man can cook and clean and helps out around the house as well as the typical guy things. It's all in what you're comfortable with and what works for you. Women have traditionally filled the role of nurturer and mother, and men have traditionally filled the role of provider and strong father, but those roles have been slowly progressing towards the middle of the spectrum. It has to be a balance in a relationship or a family for it to work.

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