
In your opinion, what is the worst gimmick in WWE history?

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Over the years, Vince McMahon and his writing crew have come up with some serious stinkers. A few that come to my mind are Bastion Booger, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese (it's time to take out the trash), Adam Bomb (get it), and Isaac Yankem, DDS (see he's an EVIL dentist...poor Glen Jacobs a/k/a Kane). What do you think?




  1. Batista

    and raw is batista sucks;...

  2. 2008- bryan kendrick as a heel

  3. Screaming Norman Smiley, Virgil/Vincent, Eugene, Red Rooster, Shock Master, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant (he actually passed down the Boogie Woogie name to a wrestler here in NC, looks just like valiant) Special Delivery Jones...I know there are more...can't think of any at the moment, but those are some gems right there

  4. worst gimmick was jbl pretending to be a wrestler

    Check out my stone cold tribute

  5. The Boogeyman

  6. Those are some good picks I would also add the Minotaur and being a life long fan of Ricky Steamboat I really hated it when they repackaged him with that stupid dragon costume.

    Rep-man was stupid as well..

    WWE always finds a way to ruin a good wrestler for example how in recent years they took a talented ECW original Nova and turned him into Simon Dean...

  7. worst gimmick in WWE history?

    Two words:



  8. If you mean wrestler concept, I give that to the Brooklyn Brawler.

    If you mean a staged gimmick, it was Vince's Limousine Explosion. It happened at a horrible time for WWE.

  9. All of them.

  10. The Red Rooster, I mean comeon they could have come up with a better gimmick for Terry Taylor. That gimmick ruined Taylor's career.

    Also Doink sucked too (the babyface version), the heel Doink rocked though.

    TL Hopper (a wrestling plummber, please...) They could have used the Dirty White Boy better than that

    The Goon - Bill Irwin was a solid wrestler, but this gimmick sucked ***.

    Bastion - was funny at times, but sucked (Mike Shaw was actually a decent worker at times, but the gimmick was lame)

    The Gobbledygooker - Don't remind me

    Max Moon (was actually Konnan's idea) - he played Moon briefly, but then had a falling out with Vince, and was replaced with Paul Diamond (both solid workers), but the gimmick sucked (I did like his entrance music though, it reminded me of classic 80's video game music)

  11. The Hurricane lol

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