
In your opinion, what should be done to maintain racial unity in Malaysia?

by Guest66746  |  earlier

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what are the measures that can be taken? probably a change in the constitution, or have more programs pertaining to racial harmony, whatever lah.

lets be open yet respectful to one another.




  1. it should be better managed if their minister come from all race

  2. don't touch on sensitive issue

  3. 1) No SJK and SMKA/SMU

    2) Teach 3 main language in all schools...reading writing etc.

    that's what i can think now...

  4. Cast vote for Anwar and friends.

  5. Malaysia is a country in South East Asia, isn't it? I think more needs to be done to clamp on radicals and terrorists. There is no need to change any constitution.

  6. i think we should start from kindergarten. let our children mix with each other, play together. unity must start from the root, not the shoot. i believe, if you trying to teach the Keris Monkey now about no racism, he'll still with his monkey attitude. if 30yrs back his teacher let him play with different races, study with other bumis, he'll be a great leader today.

  7. Mix all races of students together from primary school.

    Racist problem only a problem for adults. Children never thought of the skin colour of their play-mates.

    I remember when i was young, there was a malay girl in my class. We were good friend, till a stage that i never thought that she is a Malay. She spoke chinese too ! So, my point is, if all races growing up together without noticing the different in colour or religion, they tends to accept each other before they can judge.

    Do not need any special program. Most important, every one every races is treated equally , with the same benefit from the states/government - so that no one will ask "why she has this special treatment that i don't have? - and started to realise the different between their races, and starting to get jealous....

  8. • Let the constitution be changed, so that Malays can have real freedon of religion, that is, they can choose to follow whatever religion they like, can still be reconized as Malays....

    • Let Malays learn the Chinese language, so that Malays can be on an equal footing to compete with them.    Chinese learn the Malay language, why not Malays learn the Chinese language ?  This may instill in them the Chinese's work ethic....

    The above is the first step....


    The peoples of Malaysia can live and work together...each in what they are good at.  Co-operation and social relationships has always been cordial...until the ketuans came - they made race an issue..for their own selfish benifits....Let's reverse that...

  9. Remove NEP.

    Stop all the quota nonsense.

    Equal rights for all races.

    Abolish race-based political parties like UMNO, MCA & MIC. Only multi-racial parties allowed.

    Stop all the 'ketuanan' nonsense.

    Remove all the racist politicians.

    Stop all the Malay, Chinese & Indian bulls**t....we are all MALAYSIANS once & for all.

  10. If you go to rural areas, racial unity is not an issue. Those kampung ppl who were deemed as uncivilized an uneducated compared to urban ppl, have more respect and love towards ppl who are different to them compared to the urban ppl, who discriminate and have prejudice. So to answer your question, I'd say, to maintain racial unity, we have to eliminate prejudice and stereotypes. Accept that some ppl are different from us, regardless of their race and religion.

  11. i too feel its the kampung people that has cause all this. Look at all the leaders (ministers) 90% they are all from kampungs. Even in yesterday's news the Lawyer Shafie was calling Raja Petra a "pariah". He is a lawyer for goodness sake. So even if they are highly educated, it makes no sense. All their paper qualifications does not count. Look at the way they speak and you will know where all this racial stuff is coming from. There will be NO UNITY in Malaysia.  

  12. Unfortunately, you cant! Seem like now-a-day people tend to care for themselves and their religion and their races only. Other comes second or maybe not on their list. Well, maybe there is kind people, but maybe 1 in a thousand. Trust me, I know people!

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