
In your opinion, what would be the best mitigator for global warming?

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i ahve seen an article in time magazine on how much global warming have affected us and i want to do my part.

if you are a sort of denier, don't answer this question anymore. i want to ask this question to the ones who care about this worsening phenomenon. i want to know more tips on how can i help to stop this warming. any ideas? thanks for answering.

Have a nice day!




  1. Running out of fossil fuel. The world will run out of oil before it runs out of coal, and it may be hundreds of years before it all runs out, but there is a finite amount and it is not being replaced and the question is not if it will run out but when. When it does we will be INCAPABLE of causing more global warming.

  2. Global Warming is a very complex issue, even now it is working on a name change to climate change. If we want to mitigate GW, we need everyone to do a little. Eat less meat, recycle, walk more, ride a bike instead of driving will all help. But to get where we need to go we have to have government's help.Starting with concentrating solar power plants, new small hydro electric power plants, wind and wave power producers, Nuclear power and add an ethanol plant to it, and machines like the ones I have proposed to go cleanup the atmosphere-Atmospheric Cleanup Machines. Because Solar is not viable in all parts of the world, we have to build more where it is best. You have to build ocean wave machines in the oceans. And wind only works where the wind blows constantly at a given speed. Then we must make our new building produce energy and our old building consume much less.

    Have fun

  3. Death to 99% of the human race, would be a great start.

    But for things we can do, the option of purging the gnome and changing goverment laws back to benifitting the people again would make a awsome begining.

  4. Stop consumerism.

  5. Here's the plan, worked out by thousands of scientists and engineers:

    You can do your part mostly by conserving energy.  It doesn't need to be extreme.  Better light bulbs, more insulation in your home, programmable thermostat, only as big a car as you need, etc.  The site is good.  It will all actually save you money.

    And by continuing to let people know this is real, and mostly caused by us.

  6. The sun suddenly speeding up it's life cycle and becoming a white dwarf star. Sorry for answering the question. Nobody likes a smart a**

  7. isnt it funny how those who deny  the loudest that whatever man does isnt enough to effect the planet also believe the science that says that all the air pollution that we  are spewing out is actually helping to keep things cooler due to blocking out the sun?  What a toss up though, living in a cool polluted world, or in a hot one with clean air?  You should watch my name is earl, they had an episode about global warming.  Think locally, act locally, thats about all you can do without driving yourself crazy.  If we all did that, problem would be a lot smaller if not solved.

  8. Go to this website:

    It has all kinds of information about what you can do to reduce your contribution to global warming.  

    Awesome!  Awesome question, awesome choice to do what you can to help.

  9. reducing your energy use is the main way you can help.

  10. well for one stop using the computer you just used to ask that question, it has plastic parts which used fossil fuels in its productions, was transported using a truck, was sold at a store that uses electricity, etc. then maybe you can go live in the woods and stop using all technology? thats probably the only way to really help.  but since global warming is fake and the earth is entering a cooling phase it probably wouldnt do much anyway.

  11. If you really really care, Get rid of forest waste

  12. big red easy button

    2.don't watch so much Nickelodeon

    3.paddle your boat to work

    4.become a cyborg your windows

    6.join and alarmist commune

    7.take hike in the Andie's without any supplies

    8.stop trying to control everyone and everything

    There are some adaptive means that do more harm then good.Such as nuclear generation,more dams.Fe fertilization,using sulfates, most people with any common sense already conserve.And anything that really matters such as infrastructure changes is not going to happen anytime soon.By the time corrective measures have been taken GW will be a bygone issue.

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