
In your opinion, what would it take to allow humans to live in harmony?

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In your opinion, what would it take to allow humans to live in harmony?




  1. All human beings should always remember that they are:

    HUMAN and not beasts,

    then after they can live in harmony...

  2. A miracle.

  3. it would take every human to realize what harmony actually is. then we would each have to have a need for harmony instilled into our minds and bodies.

    too bad this wont happen...

  4. When we all realize what we really are. That will eventually happen because that is why we are here.

  5. A classless society which entails the abolition of the state. Read Marx.

  6. Tolerance ,a spoonful of humanity , a touch respect and a few hugs.

  7. A mute button.

  8. Well, first thing we'd have to stop being human.......

    Im actually quite serious, due to our instincts and general dastardly nature, its impossible for us to live in harmony, sure we can put up a pretty good facade with our governments and agencies and whatnot, but we are still the same old bipedial poo throwing apes we were 50,000 years ago.

    So your question is more or less impossible to answer.

    But then again, conflict is the spice of life :-)

  9. take free will away

    there will always be those who oppose peace

  10. A thousand years and quite a few wars,If then.

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