
In your opinion, which is harder?

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GCSEs or A-levels?

I just finished my GCSEs, and they were pretty tough. Some people tell me that I've done the hardest bit, and that it gets easier from now on because you get to study stuff that you like. However, others think that A-levels are harder. Everyone keeps telling me different things and I have no idea, so I was just wondering what you thought =)

Thank you!





  1. I'd say that it largely depends on your learning syle and work ethic.

    At GCSE you will have been studying lots of subjects, some of which you probably weren't interested in. Also the class sizes are usually much bigger at GCSE so you'll get more individual attention at A-Level, hopefully in a class with more motivated students.

    However, the teaching style at A-Level can be very different. GCSE is very much about 'spoon-feeding' you with information and holding your hand through the subject. At A-Level you will be expected to do a lot more inpendent learning which the teachers are less likely to check you have actually done. The responsibility for learning becomes very much more _yours_.

    If you are motivated and get into a routine of doing lots of background work (between 2 to 3 hours of private study per 1 hour lesson; in addition to any homework you are set); then you will find A-Levels much more rewarding than GCSE's particularly if you choose subjects that you feel passionately about.

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