
In your opinion, which is least patriotic?

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Not wearing a flag pin on your lapel (as Republicans are quick to point out that Obama didn't do on several occasions) or being part of a group that wants your state to succeed from the union (as Palin was). I'm thinking that one is inconsequential, and the other is borderline treasonous...what do you think?




  1. The second one

    I think you mean "secede"

  2. Seceding is a States right. We are a union of states. Any state were the majority of people want to leave I say we give them their hat. Would they still be a territory? This could just be a way of getting out of paying Federal taxes.

  3. I think succeeding from the union is more unpatriotic.

    I never understood how not wearing a pin could be unpatriotic.

    Does this mean everyone in America needs to wear a pin if they really love their country?

    I think McCain and palin need to have a good sit down meeting to agree on what they support before putting out more information. They have changed on so many issues where the situation its self did not change.

    For instance the bridge to no where and there are tons of flips for McCain, to many to mention.

  4. more proof that we need to make it illegal to be a republican.  

  5. Not wearing a flag pin, and not pledging allegiance.  

  6. I think picking someone to pander to women and the extreme right instead of keeping country first and picking someone qualified is even less patriotic

  7. This Silly Dem couldn't even get the spelling correct nor the facts.

    Palin wasn't part of the Group but here's something you silly Demo's would like She did Address this Group and here AS A REPUBLICAN SHE DID HER PATRIOTIC DUTY, She welcomed them into the political system and Said that competition is Good..

    What Liberal/Demo's don' think that multiple view types should have the right in Our Political System?  

  8. The first one.Nice link a leftist rag

  9. Obama was the one who made a big deal about the pin.  He had a tantrum and publicly said that wearing a lapel pin was not a measure of patriotism and that he was not going to wear one anymore.  He's the one who made an issue of the whole thing.  It was ridiculous of him.  After that everyone paid attention to the pin.  Then he started wearing it again.  If he had just kept his big mouth shut about his personal opinion in the first place it would not have become a big issue.  The two issues you are trying to compare are very different in nature and are led by different reasoning by the individuals behind them.  I don't think they can equally be compared nor relate them to patriotism.

  10. Of course you know FOX is going to dismiss the AIP thing and explain it away with a bunch of excuses.

    But they're still ready to bludgeon Obama about that Flag Pin.

  11. Neither I feel is unpatriotic. They are choices and do not in any way divulge the true intentions of someones heart. We have not just the right to secede but it is our duty if the Government is not going the way that is best for our country or state. Not wearing a flag pin on your lapel unpatriotic? That is just Do all of you wear one? I don't does that mean I'm not patriotic? I served my country thank you very much. I don't need to wear a stupid pin.

  12. Not God Bless America, GOD d**n AMERICA

  13. Seceding.

    Has it ever occurred to anyone Obama might have multiple suits and one or two pins? It's easy to forget to transfer a pin over. It is stupid.  

  14. It is treason - it's also a good idea and it's a shame the whole world is not divided up into lots of small states - then we might have some true democracy.

    But you're right - Palin is a traitor to the union.

  15. these same people that are crying over a pin, want pick up a weapon and fight. are they use college to stay out of active duty !!!

  16. being in a group that wants ur state to secede from the union

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