
In your opinion, which is worst: human abortion or world wars?

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And why?




  1. Wars because we don't know when a soul enters a body & so many people have miscarriages that it makes you think God is in charged & will make sure this person is put where they are supposed to be put. I grew up with a very dysfunctional mother who didn't want me but abortion was not legal. I would have rather she had an abortion then to have put me though what I have been through. So by not having an abortion I suffered & so did others.... War takes away loved ones who have built up a life. So people suffer. I lost a 20 year old & I can tell you that is worst then losing a 3 month pregnancy. I am thankful my son didn't have any children or a wife. This is so much more painful. Wars also cause people to lose their minds & limbs & ruin lives of their children or other care takers.

  2. ...abortion you know what you are doing, permission is granted to have it performed...

  3. world wars.

  4. Both are very bad, but only one can be justified--abortion.

    Abortion is a very horrible thing, and to use it as birth control, etc., is one of the worst things I think a woman could do. To use it as an excuse to just not have a baby is very bad.

    But, for example, a woman is raped or is pressured into s*x at a young age, I think abortion should be an option. Why bring a child into the world if it won't be loved? Why force it into the hands of someone who won't/can't care for it? Why possibly place it in the hands of parents that are not their own?

    World Wars--always a problem, a worry, and a threat. The first was just stupid, caused mainly by the death [murder] of the ruler of Austria-Hungary. Many deaths were caused that could have been prevented. The second World War was just the most ridiculous lust-for-power thing the world has ever recorded, I think. Stupid power-hungry people.

    Again, both are unwanted, but they still occur, unfortunately.

  5. at the moment... abortion, it is killing more innocents

    in history... world wars I think they have killed over all more people, though war killing isn't equivelant with infanticide.

    As long as we agree they are both horrible things.

  6. I gotta agree, im a big fan of both as well. I prefer a coat hanger to an actual abortion though.

  7. A no brainer. Wars...And how many unwanted kids have you adopted ?

    None ? I thought so.

  8. Both are errors.

    War; how to settle difference's.

    Abortion, what constitutes life.

    But then the possibility of mistaken judgment (evil) becomes sin only when the human will consciously endorses and knowingly embraces a deliberate immoral judgment.

    This leaves us with immoral judgments.

    It is a mistake to assign morals to deity for it is a judicial form of the cosmic discrimination. Duty--the reality domain of morals in the philosophic realm, the arena of reason, the recognition of relative right and wrong.

    The problem here is that some assign to those who do not see things as they do as sinners. But them who is the sinner?

  9. I like both, Cause Why bring a child up in a world where he is not loved...And I like war, because many advancements and new technology comes from it.

  10. mothers killing unborn babies

  11. lol! world war's

    human abortion has just three people being affected (mom-baby-dad)

    world wars make the entire planet disrupted, full of hatered,

    and no point in having a war like mr. warhead bush...!!

    hitler was much better then bush!!

  12. That's like asking "What is worse (not worst):a spoiled egg or a Ford Pinto."?

    The two cannot be compared.

  13. In my opinion so many of our young people globally are dying that abortion will no longer be the worst of the two issues. No young people left after these wars to have children and that is fair worse.

  14.   A broken spirit.

  15. there is no such a thing as worst or better. Both carrying one common thing..It gives peace of mind after all just matter of time ...After war people tend to be very peaceful for a while...Woman also having peace of mind after having internal struggle... nothing bother any more...Have you notice that Peace of mind is very important state in which Peace itself exists???.Peace it is that which humanity desperately looking for, I presume???..Did you notice that while you are at Peace there will be many around who will want to shift you backwards? Interesting enough that abortion movement holds those  men and women who never experienced whole things in another words those who cannot even experience it..The term Beauty cannot be applied to those men and women at all means, just because Beauty and Peace inseparable as one meaning..Those warlike and less than beautiful  people most noisy and aggressive...they do not carrying a peace of mind for sure......Abortion  and world wars have  of one common ground, they are both Global events..but  everyone have a choice participate or not to participate in that mass madness for sake of peace of mind...You can easily calculate consequences of chosen decisions while knowing that there is many around whom does not want you to have a Peace of Mind. Then you will have last decision to make....You may fight for a Peace, then welcome to the club...or you may be a peace itself then you might be crucified..or may be not?

  16. World wars are far worse.

    While abortion is killing, its only taking one life of a person who doesn't have people who yet care about them.  They have not made an impact on this world.

    World wars not only kill far more people, but these are people who have already begun to make an impact and who have friends and family who care about them deeply.  World wars also destroy the earth and change the course of societies and history as we know it.

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