
In your opinion, which part of the Obama speech was particularly clever?

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Was it "I will eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow." ?

Does he not realize small businessmen generally don't pay capital gains taxes. They pay income taxes. Obama's plan is to raise the income taxes on these entrepreneurs. Telling the American people that he will cut their capital gains taxes is simply a charade; a charade the uneducated will buy.

How many small business can afford higher taxes?




  1. I thought the part where he called John McCain a coward was particularly clever.  He seems to think McCain is in the military or already commander-in-chief..

  2. Small businesses do pay long-term capital gains taxes.  Obama plans to eliminate all such taxes for small and start-up businesses.  In addition, Obama is proposing health care tax credits for small businesses and increased access to capital. Where are you getting the information that he plans to raise income taxes on small entrepreneurs?

  3. "And now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work, because I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons."

    Direct attempt to court the female vote with ERA rhetoric from 30 years ago.  

  4. The part where he made it seem like a bad thing that McCain has been in DC for 26 years

    Someone might want to explain to him that his running mate has been there even longer

  5. Most of it was clever.  Its on YouTube... watch it for yourself.

  6. I am a small business owner and I work for very little other than the investment for the future.  I hope to have something to show for the efforts in 10 years when my kids need college money.  I can't afford to hire help because the minimum wage rate is now even higher and I don't even make 50¢ and hour to take home myself.

    You are right to say--the uneducated--there are too many people who pay people to do their taxes at the end of the year and are happy to get $100 after paying $45 to get the taxes done for them because they can't follow the basic forms themselves. They do not understand at all.

    If Obama gets in I will have to get out of business--his plans are such that I would have to shift from 50¢ an hour for me to PAYING $ to Uncle Sam.  YES folks!  Talk to people who struggle to make something and they will tell you--it will all be for naught if Obama gets his way.  If the tide turns against McCain we need to get some Republicans into the Congress.... or we might as well move into the mountains and wait for the rapture.

  7. The part where he kept his mouth shut.

  8. Well, there were many points in which i thought he was the first black genius. He spoke of legalizing weed and cocaine and i was thrilled. I thought it was an excellent idea to let free all of the psyhco black convicts! I was looking at you picture and you look great. Have you been working out? Do you want to go to the x*x theare sometime? Get back to me as soon as possible, if you need me, ill be hiding in your basement.

  9. When Obama said "McCain cares about America and our weak economy, McCain just does not understand!  

    I thought about the poor people in New Orleans the day of the floods, when McCain and Bush were on the tarmac celebrating McCain's birthday!

  10. I was not going to answer but all these people who believe small business will not be effected by Obama's plan are stupid, plain and simple.  Sorry I try not to judge, however I can not even call this lack of knowledge when some cite obama's web site for his plan.  Did you people even read this?  To your question: His lowering taxes for 95 percent of people.  You realize that he is going to remove the Bush tax cuts which are the same that affect these 95 percen,t then he is going to cut taxes?  Ok. So a store raises prices then has a sale, what do I save?  And taxing anyone that makes over $250,000?  If I make less than that a year as a business (this is gross) I Would NOT be able to pay my operating expenses, employees, gas, insurance, maintenance, office mortgage, truck payments, tools, etc...Oh and did I forget FICA, STATE, So-so security, Medicare,State Sales tax(which I do not always pass on to my customer.) Oh and my favorite in Michigan our Single business tax (courtesy of Democrat Jennifer Granholm).  And what capitol gains do I pay?  I own land, a rental house(you do not want me to address the taxes I pay on that) I will say it pays for its self and nothing more(it is called an investment)  Obama will raise the tax on gains from the sale of this house and I, with the housing market as it is, will barely pay for what I have into it but because of what I paid for it and what I can sell it for it is capitol gains which I have to pay to the Fed?  Are you people sick? Stupid? Or do you really not know what you are talking about?  We small business owners do make up 90 percent of the workforce He had that right, now Obama wants me to take loans from the government to pay for operating expenses?  If he kept the governments hands out of business and let us do what we need to do small business will and has done just fine..  I did notice that he did not mention drilling though funny that 2 weeks ago he was for it, for about 2 days until Nancy got a hold of him.  No oil?  How can we have tires to inflate?  Obama is a farce he will say anything to get elected.  Look at his past, tax tax tax and education?  He voted against a measure to increase from 5 1/2 hrs a day to a full 6 hr day for students in his state, because the teachers union did not want it.  The union? What about parents and students that are being cheated out of educational time?  He is a charismatic personality, so was Hitler,Marx, Lenon, and Stalin.  Do you get the picture?  He will Kill small business in this country just as Jennifer Granholm has in Michigan.  Oh and Obama do not forget the democrats got NAFTA passed Michigan and the manufacturing base of this country will not stop seeing the effects for years, and Now Obama and the dems are against it?  MORE FAILED POLICIES.  

    sorry for the rant.  I just hate seeing seemingly intelligent people follow the piper because the song is sweet.

  11. The whole tax issue, including what you pointed out---but also emphasizing he'll cut middle class tax cuts....where will he get the money.

  12. All parts. Let see how 'clever' an old decaying man would be....

    Oh , yes.. sorry. Karl Rove that is

  13. The whole speech was clever.  The Right is having a real hard time dealing with it.

  14. ANY business can pay a capital gains has nothing to do with whether you're a small business... so saying

    "small businessmen don't pay capital gains taxes" doesn't even make any sense...

    Capital gains taxes are just taxes you pay when you sell capital for more than you bought it for... like in the stock market, or land, if you bought something as Capital (capital is a very specific economics term) and you sold it and made pay taxes on it.

    the PROBLEM with raising them across the board is that people who own small businesses rarely have the means to ABUSE the low tax-rate on capital gains....while LARGE companies can make TONS of low-or-no taxable profit by buying tons of land or stock, CALLING it "capital" and selling it for profit... therby circumventing sales taxes and other gains taxes... THESE are the people that need to get reigned in with taxes on these kinds of Loopholes.

  15. My husband and I, as usual, could not last 5 minutes listening to Obama parrot a speech written by 15 there a human being down in that grinning skinny body? We doubt it...does he have any personally held beliefs about anything? We doubt it...Obama converted two lifelong Democrats to Independents this year...we wonder who else has had this experience besides us...

  16. Yeah, let's just give tax cuts to rich people instead!  

  17. tax rises if your income passes the thresold, you'd have to make a substantial income for this to apply. It wouldn't apply to most small businesses.

  18. The line I most remember is when Obama said.

    Tonight is not about me its about you. HUH? Of course last night was all about you barrack. That why the big show  fancy background it was all about you!!!  I could not stop laughing when he said that.

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