
In your opinion, which teams deserve the criticism / trash talk they get handed to them?

by  |  earlier

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Which deserve it, and which are the fans simply jealous of the team they are talking badly about?




  1. you bet. The Tigers are lousy.  

  2. Yankees and yankees fans they way the acted at all-star game just even proves it more.  

  3. The Yankees and the Red Sox have the highest payrolls. You think that would give better results....

  4. Mets deserve it.  They deserve it b/c they choked. They deserve it b/c their bullpen stinks. They deserve it b/c they're good, and good teams get trash talked the most.  Even if we don't want to admit it, they are a good team.

  5. Boo, you said the Yankees because of the Mitchell Report which was biased considering who he works for but I would say Red Sox fans but only the bandwagon fans & they know who they are

  6. yankees

    leave the redsox out of this, they play fair and dont cheat.

    mitchell report

    9 yankees

    1 former redox

    do the math idiots

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