
In your opinion, who are the most persecuted race on earth ?

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In your opinion, who are the most persecuted race on earth ?




  1. Wow, you guys are retarded...Jews arent a race of people, rather a religious group with different sects. Calling the Jews a race is like calling Christians a race of people.  People, you should read a book ever so often and enlighten yourselves on the world.

  2. I can't believe so many of you think Jews are the most persecuted race on earth.  They dominate the legal and medical professions, they're over-represented (as far as their numbers go) in government, universities, and the entertainment industry, and they're far richer than the average american.  The only fields in which they're hard to find is food service, janitorial, and farm labor.

    I'm not anti-jew, they work hard and get educated, and their culture values success.  I just can't believe so many here think they're "persecuted".

    The most persecuted races on earth have been wiped out.  How about the first American Indian tribe Columbus encountered?  They were naked and peaceful.  Fifty years later there weren't any of them left, they're extinct..

  3. McLaren Race team - they were fined $100 million - surely the most persecution ever?

  4. The human race!

  5. humans

  6. yep it's the limeys

  7. Romanies - persecuted wherever they are! at least the Jews have Israel.

  8. oh boy id say the jews

  9. The whites.  Everything they do is wrong.

  10. The white folk - if this is a race! They cannot defend themselves. North American Indians too.

  11. I would say the jewish ethnicity.  British are a race?  British are probably among the least persecuted group.

  12. Anyone who is different from you.

    Because I'd say 90% of the human race are racist. I don't have statistics, but I think people judge too quickly based on looks, and it's in human nature to label someone based upon appearance.

    Don't judge a book by it's cover!

  13. The Dalits in India. You can kill a dalit for walking in front of you or sitting in a chair he's not supposed to be sitting (which is most chairs), or enter a house of another caste. Dalits are not allowed to talk to a woman of a higher caste. And so on.

  14. Its not a race, but a group:


    Be it Nero, Atilla, The Catholic Church (ok, most churches at some point), Stalin, Mao, Hitler; or even FOX NEWS- smart people have been taking sh*t for as long as there have been smart people who weren't in charge.

    A council of learned citizens should take over....then the trains will not only run on time, but run on Metric time!

  15. Honkies!

  16. I think that it is black people. Black people have been persecuted probably even before the times of slavery. We've been humiliated all our lives.

  17. Israelites being persecuted by the Egyptians

  18. The Human race who persecute their own kind.

  19. Caucasions of the US.Mostly white males.

  20. The Irish. They never invaded any countries but have been raided by more european countries than enough moulding the country's unique history and rebelious spirit.

  21. as of late it is anyone of middle eastern/Arab ethnicity.

  22. In present times the most persecuted race on earth are the Gypsies - they don`t have a country of they`re own and have to live by stealing, killing, or if not work but with low payment. As you have seen in Italy, they try to kill Gypsies - some of them.

    As well in present times there are the people from Iraq, Afghanistan, and those countries that are in war.

    Jewish are not persecuted like in other epochs, but maybe some still are, not that much though...

  23. Jews

  24. id say the Jewish race.

  25. g**s, lol

  26. Generally speaking, non-Jews are persecuted widely by Jews. International bankers, many of them Jews or lackeys thereof, control the economies of most countries and have made life for non-Jews very difficult in myriad ways.

    Secondarily, whites are persecuted in America. We are trained to be fair and not racist -- which is good -- but racist minorities run wild and treat us badly. When we complain about the racism of minorities, we are accused of being racists for it. That is true abuse.

    As another person said, the Dalits of India are treated badly, but that is religious persecution. And in India, even Brahmans can be dirt poor and abused. Watch the movie Born Into Brothels.

  27. 03svtcobra... You are a product of self imposed ignorance. Ask any 4 Jews that question & you will get 4 opinions on it, depending upon the sect of Judism.  However I must agree that the orthadox Jews are up there with Brits when it comes to being persecuted by the World at large.  

    As I age I am increasingly intollerant of the little "new age" pin heads & their desire to define everyone in their own little politically correct terms. Chuckle, guess it comes with reaching 70 & having seen a lot of life.

  28. The English... Everyone hates us! Jealousy is a terrible thing... It's not our fault We are the MASTER RACE. Also, we have the most ironic sense of humour, which hardly anyone else gets.... just watch...

  29. People of color.

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