
In your opinion, who is better suited (more capable) of running this country?

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Republicans or Democrats, and why?




  1. the answer is easy  Republicans

    Look for examples..

    California 8th largest economy in the world

    Every time it goes in the tank they cring in an uneduated, inexperienced Republican to clean the mess up (Reagan/Arnie)


    Compare the 8 years of Clinton's administration, to the 8 years of the Bush administration.

    Clinton inherited a war debt from Bush Sr's Gulf War, and in 8 years turned it around to a budget surplus.  Bush and his cronies pander to big oil, ignore the constitution, lie about the evidence to promote another war in that area, and have bankrupted our country. And then have the nerve to call the American people a bunch of whiners.

    My vote is for the Democrats.

  3. The people. Political parties are suited for power and elections.

  4. Under Clinton we got outsourcing, NAFTA (3 of my jobs went to mexico) and he ignored warnings about bin Laden... left it for Bush to clean up

    Once 9-11 happened, poor Bush had his hands full. Looks like it's taking forever to clean up the mess Clinton left.

    I seriously do not think Obama is ready for the rest of the world in it's present state. This is something that takes more than a couple years experience. Look at Afghanistan, Russia, N. Korea and China...

    No, we don't need a newbie right now.

    The state of our economy is important, but won't make a d@mned bit of difference if we can't keep the rest of the world from becoming WW III

    Just to add; No one says much about south america, but it is well known that some of them down there have made public statements about wanting our country to be destroyed. They are just waiting... and I wonder what they will be doing when they are done waiting...

  5. Republicans.

    Democrats do have a knack for being around when internet booms happen, though.

  6. I don't know for sure. I don't base my opinion on which party they are from but on the person they are and how they conduct themselves. Now that CLinton is out of the picture I really don't know who to vote for. I like McCain's social views but dislike his policy on war and the economy. I dislike Obama's social views but like his views on the war and economy.  

  7. OBAMA /BIDEN 2008

    because we don't need a old dinosaur who is out of touch and a Mayor from Alaska running this country.  

  8. Democrats

    We were under a surplus thanks to the bi-partisan work of the Clinton administration.  But under a Republican administration we're in the worst financial debt in American history.

  9. My dad, thank you very much.  Because he believes in integrity, honesty, and personal responsibility and would fight to the death to cut off pork barrel spending and government handouts.

  10. Democrats won't throw you into another war, you say person above me???

    What about the war with Pakistan proposed by Obama?

    Or his hinting at a war with Iran?

    Wow, keep up

  11. I'm a moderate swing voter and I have to split my answer down the middle - on social issues, education and health care the Democrats are better; on tax policy and national security the Republicans are better.

    Frankly - I think the best model for this country was 1994-2000: a Democrat President with a Republican Congress.

  12. right now, the democrats,  just look at the last 8 years compared to the 8 years before that.  we have sunk to all time lows in everything.

  13. look at the last 8 years under Bush.  Do you want to be led by McSame?

  14. i want this country run by a glamor queen who came in second place and think she speaks for women in this country NOT. I want we the people to run this and remember the words DO NOT TREAD ON ME. i do not want you to take away my liberty and i do not want to take away your freedom of speech. I want the right of self determination to apply to all men and women. You can not take me back to pre-1973 and change roe vs wade it is the law of the land we can not change things just because you think its right for you. if you have not walked a mile in my shoes then this applies lead follow or get out of the way and stay out of it.  

  15. Republicans, hands down.

    You people give too much credit to Bill Clinton. Bill inherited the after effects of a Ronald Reagan administration. Reagan never saw how his policies would work because those polices were meant to take effect into the future, which they did and fell on Bill's lap. The only thing the 8 years of boom were for nothing because Bill did nothing to further the cause. What Bill did instead was give away technologies to the Chinese and Signed into law GATT and NAFTA which allowed for the exiting of our manufacturing sector, our jobs. Bill did nothing against terrorism and supported the wrong side in Bosnia.  George Bush Jr. inherited the bad policies of Bill Clinton. But George made a bad situation worse. He further complicated the matter by not rescinding NAFTA, by supporting illegal immigration (doing nothing against it), and the final straw was 9/11. Here our way of thinking foreign affairs came to a stand still.

    Obama is deeply rooted in socialism. What you have can very shortly become what you had. His energy policies are pipe dreams at best.

    McCain is well suited for someone who will only buy us time by doing nothing. Give time for European Union to realign itself, allow Russia to cool down and mend fences without commitments with the Middle East. Keep weapons off the table when making treaties. He will be a do nothing president buying time for the next administration. if he is sincere about putting America first.  

  16. Too general to make a quantitative analysis. However, based upon ideology, I would say Republicans, but in practice, this hasn't been the case. George W. Bush wasn't exactly your model conservative. He was a 'tax and spend liberal' without the taxing. Which is even worse than taxing and spending. In practice, however, the Clinton years were favorable to the Bush years, there's no denying that. However, Bush did inherit Clinton's recession, and managed to make it even worse.

  17. McCain/Palin is my vote!  McCain is a true patriot and will be the best in getting us throught the Iraq war.  Palin is fiscally conservative and active in protecting the environment.  

  18. Democrats,  my friends and I do better when they are around

  19. Republicans hands down !  Repubs would rather teach you how to work than be dependent on the state for your existence. Repubs would rather you kept most of your money, while dems just want to raise taxes and take more of it from you. Look at history, it's a fact !

  20. Republicans: because they promise us americans to bring more lovely and exciting wars in which we can surely win.

  21. Democrats.  I will not vote for another 4 years of Republican leadership, no matter how many women McCain uses to fool the American people.  The Democrats will serve ALL of the people, not just a chosen few.  Neither will the Democrats stand by, while we lose our homes, jobs, and everything we have worked for.  They won't throw us into another war, and they won't follow the path of destruction.  Obama/Biden 2008.

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