
In your opinion, who is the best fictional villain (Books only)? Why?

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NO Twilight or Harry Potter characters. Please - spare me.


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  1. The best fictional villain of all time is indubitably Bram Stoker's Dracula. I say this based on a myriad of factors, the foremost of which being the scope of his evil. Though Hannibal and these other fellows wreak havoc in their own small worlds, Dracula spreads his evil across all time spans and all places. He is the Antichrist, for Christ's sake! He also has the manly s*x appeal that endears him to us, though he conspires to bar the doors of heaven for humanity forever. If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.

  2. Tyler Durden from Fight Club.  Because we all have a "dark side".  Although he was more of an anti-hero, really . . . not exactly Hannibal Lecter.

  3. Holden from Catcher and the Rye.  He is his own worst enemy and doesn't even know it.

  4. In 'The Hunt for Atlantis' by Andy McDermont the billionaire that tries to release a genetic virus that would wipe-out all- but the descendents of the mayan civilisation lol he was smart but in a demented, eery kind of way- a Villian, who ofcourse caused his own downfall

  5. Not be depressing? I'm not sure if this falls into that or not...

    My favorite villain is Frederick Clegg from The Collector by John Fowles. His ordinariness is terrifying enough, to say nothing of his complete inability to see his own evil. It's bloodchilling. Also, I think the fact that his fictional actions inspired several real-life serial killers gives him a leg up over other literary villains. Not to say that's a good thing; just that he was one evil jerk.

  6. Hannibal Lecter he is a super villan smart powerful manipulative and had great depth spanning several books  

  7. Satan, from the Bible.

    He's THE fictional villain.

  8. The Crimson King

    He was basically Satan.

  9. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to answer this.

    Everyone has heard of Beowulf.  If you managed to live through senior year, you were probably faced with the torture of reading it.  I, however, was blessed with reading a companion book...a book that has probably become one of my favorites of ALL ******* TIME.

    It was called "Grendel."

    Basically, it's about the famed monster Grendel in the original Beowulf story, but this time, the tale is told from HIS point of view (and thankfully, its told in modern english).  

    What an amazing character Grendel is in this story!  I can't even begin to tell you how perfectly the author conveys and brings to life Grendel's vile motivations and wretched reasons for acting the way he does.  The descriptions of his massacres are brilliant too.

    ****, I love that book.

    Sorry if this was too long.

  10. Aside from Harry Potter characters, the first thing that popped into my head was Duke Roger of Conte from the Song of the Lioness series.

    There are many more that I can think of but he was my favorite for some reason. I think it was because of his way of being totally evil, without anybody noticing. Plus, *spoiler* he comes back to life which always makes for an awesome bad guy *spoiler*

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