
In your opinion, who would better handle another Cuban Missile Crisis?

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Talk of Russia-Cuba ties seen as warning to U.S. -




  1. Neither one could handle it!!!! oh wait there is Joe Biden in the mix THANK GOD now he could fix it without starting ww3   the team Obama/Biden...yes that is my answer  not that I like Biden     chow f.p

  2. Obama.

    I don't think it would even come to this with Obama in office.

    Russia is walking all over neocon Bush. They're laughing at us.  

  3. Obama.  It's been shown in hindsight that the heavy hawk approach wouldn't have worked.

  4. McCain

  5. McCain!!!

  6. Pelosi and Reid and the rest of the hate America group have embolden

    our potential enemies

  7. Obama.

    Either way, Bush has put us on track for the crisis.

  8. Obama and Biden

    We don't need a hot-head like McCain in a situation like that.

  9. Obama/Biden.

  10. Neither.... the Cuban Missile Crisis happened almost 50 years ago.  It is not relevant today.

    By the way, Kennedy triumphed in the Cuban Missile Crisis but failed miserably with the Bay of Pigs fiasco.  His inexperience failed him with the Bay of Pigs but it aided him with the Cubam Missile Crisis.  The world is not black and white with situations like these.

    Personally, I think McCain would have not allowed the Soviets to blink and a war would have started because of that.  Kennedy showed patience in a tense situation and that was the right thing to do for  that situation... BUT it is very easy to make a judgement with hindsight.

  11. McCain!!!  He is precise and consistant and he knows the difference between Good and Evil and is not affraid to confront evil.  

  12. McCain. Obama has absolutely no experiance in international relations or military matters. He also doesn't seem like the "carry a big stick type and that is what is needed. We would have been a good deal of trouble if he had dealt with the first one.

  13. JOHN MCCAIN WITHOUT A DOUBT......I don't hate or despise Barrack Obama.  But facts are facts.  Obama has NO military experience and NO foreign policy experience.  It's a well known FACT that liberals try to gloss over (maybe why Obama picked a 35 year veteran of the senate as a running mate).    If Obama is somehow elected, he would figure out a way to try and convince the people of this country that medium range nuclear ICBM's 50 miles off the Florida coast is no big deal.  McCain on the other hand would sink the ships carrying those missiles before they even entered the Caribbean.

  14. JFK

  15. Obama, by far. With McCain we would have WW3 and massive grave yard. McCain at his 72 has nothing to loose - the rest of the world does.

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