
In your opinion, why do you think there is so much knife crime in the UK.?

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what would you do to cut down on gang related crimes.




  1. Because no one has a gun to protect themselves.  

  2. Parents are either too busy or too selfish to care for their offspring

  3. drugs and blacks.

    The problem needs to be dealt with at the source.......... tougher sentences for drug crimes

  4. There are a lot of reasons that go into this:

    * UK has very liberal judges and sentencing guidelines.

    * Bleeding heart liberals have coddled these children until they are  ego centric and nasty.

    *The youth involved in these crimes are animals who have never been disciplined either in home or school.

    *The banning of guns means that the victims have no way to protect themselves and the police are too busy worrying about littering and name calling.

    I would re institute capital punishment, bring back corporal punishment in schools, crack down on parents who don't take responsibility for their kids and allow law abiding citizen to own guns.  Bring back the work house for juvenile delinquents.

    I know there is a big push over there to ban knives, it won't work. A few weeks ago a teen was slashed to death with broken plate. Take away knives they will use bottles, take away bottles they will use bricks, take away bricks and they will use cricket bats.

    The violence and disdain for human life is the problem not the weapon.

  5. Soft sentencing

  6. too many knives ,searches in schools and on streets with automatic time in recreational work programs for the community.

  7. Because the carrier knows they can get away with it especially if they are under 18 years of age.  They don't see the consequences of their actions and have no respect for potentially taking someone else's life.

    I don't agree with the no father figure thing, I never had a father figure growing up and it made me more determined to make something of my life.  I think it's just an excuse to get away with things, no father or family unit so lets join a gang.  

    Unfortunately, I haven't got the answer either, which is why it will carry on.  Tougher sentences is one thing but we need to stick to it.

  8. I think kids don't always have good role models in terms of their parents.  Lots of young men have no father figure and get their support from gang culture and respect.  I don't know what the answer is, I wish I did.

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