
In your opinion, why is charles darwin's theory of evolution correct?

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And if you disagree with it, why?




  1. People think Darwin invented the word Evolve...

    He didn't. It's from the Latin, meaning 'to roll out, or unfold'...

    This is the basic movement of life. It unfolds. It doesn't go backwards...

    Evolution is like squeezing toothpaste out of the tube. It's not meant to go back in! Life goes on, and that which is best adapted, gets to continue for a little while longer...

  2. It is not a matter of opinion, young lady, but of the evidence. In over 150 years the evidence has borne out the theory robustly. From genetics to evolutionary development and all the way to paleontology the evidence keeps coming in. Go here, as these people deal in evidence, not opinion.

  3. If the point being made includes the canceling of creation I believe the theory is incognizant.

  4. 1) Because it makes sense.  The only people who say it doesn't don't understand it.  Meiosis and mitosis don't always work, thus making offspring slightly different from their parents.  Duh.  If these slight differences work out for the better, then the organism will be more likely to survive to have more offspring.  Duh.  These offspring will be more likely to have the helpful trait of their parent(s).  Duh.  If these different traits are harmful, the organism will be less likely to survive to have more offspring.  Duh.  As each generation gradually gains helpful traits, they change over time.  Duh.  

    2) We have evidence.  Humans growing taller, our appendix and pinky toes are shrinking.  English moths turning black to match the change in tree color during the Industrial Revolution.  Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.  Even selective breeding to make different breeds of domesticated animals is a controlled form of evolution.  The fossil record shows that living things have gradually changed over time.

    3) There is absolutely NO evidence against it.  None.  Zip.  Nada.  Nein.  Not a bit whatsoever.  People saying statistically that is impossible because that much can't come from chance don't even understand it.  Nothing about it is chance.  The organism lives or dies.  If it lives, it has babies.  Duh.

  5. The only guaranteed thing in life is constant change. Change is happening every day, and there is nothing that will stop it.

    Animals will continue to change because the environment changes around them. For various reasons, some animals are able to time their breeding habits better than others and get stronger than other animals. But that eventually dies down as some new organism emerges to challenge the predominant animal.

  6. Hey! I didn't say that.

  7. The ideas of Darwin were obvious to people who understood breeding of animals.  Humans can cause dramatic change in a few hundred years.  Multiply that by thousands or millions of times and the effects of evolution become even more obvious.  

    The fossil record proves evolution occurred if you use the definition as change over time.  That fact is ignored though blatant propaganda by many in the intelligent design religion who claim ridiculous notions such as no species ever splits into multiple species or micro versus macro evolution.  Natural selection is a perfectly rational way and the only scientifically acceptable way to explain evolution.

    Embryology strongly supports evolution by embryos often exhibiting vestigial organs.

    Genetics seals the deal with mathematical precision as virtually all animals can be compared to each other in a non-biased way.  Their genetic differences don't just say that one is close to another.  They indicate in no-uncertain mathematical ways that all life share the same common ancestors.  It is obvious and plain as the nose on your face when you see the data but it is a bit complicated to explain right now.

  8. First of all it is proven, there is a cliff wall that has sedentary rock containing the fossils we evolved from. Second of all, the alternatives to the Theory of Evolution indicate a intellect gap, that is filled by "God" (whereas, people weren't there so they refuse to believe it happened, and they don't know for sure, so they credit it to a higher being beyond their comprehension)

  9. Yes I believe is but incomplete.

  10. It isn't!

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