
In your opinion, why should religious beliefs be kept seperate from politics?

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I'm all for keeping the two seperate for many reasons, but I'd like to get your opinions as well. All views are welcome to respond.




  1. I dont think they should be. Its a big part of who we are in the west. Just look at what our laws are based on.  

  2. I am mixed as I don't know how one can do that. My faith is part of all areas of my life.

  3. its the law if a church is involved in politics then its a political organization not a church

  4. And just how would you go about doing that?

    Wouldn't get far with Islam.

  5. If this was a theocracy, freedom of religion would be hampered.  Even if the candidate doesn't consciously outcast people that are not of his/her religion, they will atleast subliminally bias themselves.  This is a country of many different religions, they are all the right one and the wrong one.  Combining church and state would definitely offend people and we could end up with conflicts such as those in the theological Middle East nations.

  6. In intelligent circles, it is known as "separation of church and state," meaning that government should not interfere with or be influenced by religion.  And I believe it is wrong for church leaders to try and sway their congregations toward a particular candidate.  I also hate the "Faith Based Initiative" system.  Religions aren't required to pay taxes and think our government giving them our tax money for programs, is clearly a violation of our basic rights.

  7. Practically speaking, not all people in a community are going to agree with a given set of religious beliefs.  It is quite possible, however,  for those same people to come to an agreement on a common set of rules for behaving toward each other in an orderly and respectful manner.


  8. To my mind, there isn't that much difference between politics and religion.  Both are trying to control the masses.  

    And of the two, I think religion is the lesser of the two evils.  JMO

  9. Because of the danger of the fringe imposing their beliefs on others.  You didn't think you could ask this question and escape the "A" word did you?  More than 50% of people in this country think abortion should be completely legal at least in the first trimester.  If the USA were 51% Muslim and the govt tried to outlaw the consumption of pork, would it be okay?  

  10. I don't think they should be. A persons religious beliefs should dictate their actions and lifestyle, even if they are politicians.

  11. religion simply has no place in politics!

  12. To avoid a religious war.

  13. you bring religion into politics and you would be like the middle east where there beliefs are their politics..but we are conflicted..we want our politicians to be christian..we want men of god but we don't want a person with religious agendas but if our thoughts and actions are godlike then we aren't leaving religion out..we just aren't giving it a name..please. don't ask don't tell.

  14. it's called freedom of religion.  would it be fair to muslims or hindus in our country if we were to institute christians beliefs amongst our politics?

  15. Religion should not be controlled by the government....religious freedom is from God.

    How would you like it if the government told you.... who to worship....and where, when and how to do it?!

    personally i dont get involved in politics or how this country is life revolves around Christ....not this world.

    So my opinion is ...keep them separated!

    Praise to Christ our Lord

    with love..."D"

  16. Religious beliefs are at the core of a person' s views, and world view.

    I do not think that you can really separate religious views from political views because religious views will be what is most important to the religious person, and will guide and determine their political views to a great extent.

    The non-believer also gets there views from opinions outside of what the religious believe, and as we know, are often opposed to it.

    Separation of church and state legally? Absolutely.

    Separation of political views and religious views? They are too intertwined to be separate.

  17. Using religion to get votes or sway people to vote a certain way is very dangerous.  If someone did that to vote for them would be very foolish.

    Because without freedom of religion we would have religious clerics ruling the country and that would be very scary.

    Putting people in jail because they were worshiping the wrong religion or the wrong way?  As crazy as that sounds some countries do that.

    Infidels are beheaded, that means ones who do not accept their form of worship.  Forced worship is not worship it is using fear to control people.

  18. Very simple.

    Because not everyone follows a/ that belief system.

  19. I think they should be separate because religion is illogical and can cloud peoples' abilities to make rational, intelligent decisions.

  20. They can believe whatever they want but hands off my life and my Constitution.

  21. You can take the man out of the church but you can't take the church out of the man.

    Sad, but true.  Then again, for all the christian leaders we've had (all of them actually), they sure don't lead as if they're christian.

  22. Because the government is trying to make this country more secular.

  23. I believe it is impossible for an individual to separate his or her religion from his or her politics.  The concept of separation of church and state never intended for a person to check his religion at the door to the political square.   What the concept of separation of church and state does advocate is that governments should not endorse one religion over another or create a state church (like the Church of England).

  24. It's impossible to separate one's religious beliefs from government and politics. It's been proven over and over again. Therefore, since I don't think they *can* be kept separate, I don't think they should be. Just let what comes natural come natural.

  25. San Juan Bosco, founder of the Salesians, said once that his Order would not be involved in politics, as a rule, but he had to modify it, based on that sometimes it is necessary to get involved

    Look what the Franciscans did when the WWII to help the hiding soldiers

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