
In your opinion, would Barack have picked Biden if he was much further ahead in the polls?

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Did his recent fall in popularity force him to pick a Washington insider who has been around forever? Was this an attempt to develop some credibility?

If you're a Barack supporter, are you more comfortable with Biden, or would it truly not have made much of a difference who he picked as a running mate?




  1. I think Joe Biden was a compromise choice to offset Obama's lack of experience and the possibility of Hillary Clinton stealing the nomination on the convention floor. IMHO.

  2. To tell you the truth it doesn't matter who he picks,his lose will be blamed on all of the racists who didn't vote for a unqualified American-African!Not the media for crowning him President before the polls even open! His loss will be one shock to the drive by's.They'll blame everone else(That's you and me and all right wingers.) not themselves.

  3. Obama probably wouldn't have chose Biden if he was further ahead in the polls.  I was a little surprised at Obama choosing Biden because I had thought that he was a little too egotistical.  By choosing Biden h showed that he could accept a person on his ticket that might outshine him or make him look not as qualified.  I'm sure he would much rather have been able to win this all by himself and pick a vice presidential candidate that was relatively unknown and keep him unknown.  If he had done that people could honestly called him arrogant.  Instead, he is just smart and not arrogant.

  4. Biden is a good fit for Obama.  And I don't think Biden will have nearly the power as does Cheney so it is relatively unimportant in the overall scheme, and thus he likely would have named him, in any evernt.

    Certainly, Edwards is off that list

  5. No.  His 'change' message was wearing thin.  He had to do something to counteract the continuing revelations about his inexperience and poor judgment.  If he had been farther ahead in the polls, he would have gone with Kaine.    But I think this will backfire.  It only strengthens the rap against him about not being qualified.  Even Biden said so.

  6. Well, let's start here:

    If *****-Hillary would have kept her mouth shut in the spring, Obama would be farther ahead in the polls than he actually is.  

    #2 -  Hillary gave McCain the primer that he needed to start a smear campaign against Obama .

    3 = How about all those losers who are complaining about Biden, and want Hillary instead.  How ever would that work, considering # 1 and #2 above.

    BIDEN IS A GREAT CHOICE, because he won't take any duff from a 71-year old McCain .

  7. you almost make it sound like he picked McCain

  8. I can't for the life of me figure out why he picked Biden.  

  9. I don't believe he would have picked Biden if he had a say so in who it would be.  

  10. Not too long ago, the conventional wisdom had Obama with at least a 10 point lead at this juncture of the campaign. The irony of picking an established, Washington insider while campaigning for months on a platform of "change" smells somewhat like a desperate political attempt to simply try and sway the fence sitters rather than support an ideology of any real change.

    Politics as usual?

  11. I don't think he would have picked an "old white guy" if he had managed a comfortable lead in the polls. I think in that case he would have gone with Hillary, or another minority like Richardson, just so he would have had a more "progressive" ticket to offer his liberal supporters.

  12. Kane would have been the rookie ticket he would have preferred. I think BO's best days are behind him in this campaign Thankfully!

  13. He may have picked someone who fits his fake persona,

    If he goes up in the poll we get the shaft,

    (luv u)

  14. Obama's choice of Biden has a clear political agenda behind it: Obama wants to shift the focus away from who he really is: an inexperienced, far-left, elitist liberal with a socialist agenda, and make us think he's something he's not (Biden). This, combined with Biden's loose canon, will ultimately backfire. Mainstream America will not choose phoniness.

  15. If he was he would have picked william ayeres.  now that would be liberal change..

  16. I think the arrogant Biden will hurt Obama chances. Biden comes accross like a dirty lawyer or Snake Doctor.  I don't care how much experience he has, and his statements that Obama isn't ready for President won't help either.  I am glad he picked him it will only help him to loose.

  17. I don't like Biden.... not really at all...

    It's kind of like Gore choosing Lieberman... who could figure out the point in that???

    Or Bush picking Cheney???

    But I will continue to support Barack Obama because the alternative is... well... you know.

  18. Biden has been on obama's short list a very long time.  He's the strongest candidate who would more than likely have been picked no matter where Obama was in the polls.  Obama already has credibility, he beat Hilary.

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