
In your opinion What is best to drink while eating pizza Ice-water with a lemon slice or COLA?

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In your opinion What is best to drink while eating pizza Ice-water with a lemon slice or COLA?




  1. cola with lemon. >D

  2. Cola with a lemon slice :)

  3. diet pepsi.

  4. Cola, by far, but if ur not the type to drink soda's or pop's, then its best that u drink the ice water.

  5. diet pepsi. no ice.  

  6. Cola, might has well have an unhealthy drink with an unhealthy meal, right?

  7. defo cola

  8. Coke

  9. Beer

  10. Cola

  11. Water with meals.

  12. coke

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  13. Coke, I have never heard of anyone having water while eating pizza. I mean after all its not like pizza is healthy or anything so you may as well go the whole nine yards.

  14. diet coke :)

  15. ice water w/ lemon

  16. icewater with lemon. less sickly than cola so you're less likely to feel queasy and bloated afterwards =)

  17. i dont know why but drinking coke with anything gives more satisfaction (makes you hyper) but lets face it, water is better....

  18. Ice water. Not a cola person,  

  19. Cola without a doubt..

  20. A nice shiraz or cabernet is best.  On a hot day an ice cold beer goes well with pizza (and  I don't even drink beer).  But if those are your only 2 options- go with the ice water and lemon, much healthier than the cola.

  21. Dr. Pepper

  22. An ice cold beer! Failing that I would go with the water

  23. ice water, plain


  24. Ice water is a healthier option but I'd chose cola as I like the taste better!

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