
In your opinion: Why do Americans seem to shut down when it comes to spirituality and astrology?

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BEAR: To be so spiritual you sure are self centered. Try looking outside yourself. You don't make up the American population JUST because you are American...geez




  1. I don't. I'm all for it. But most Americans just don't give a c**p about any of that. I am an American but I definitely believe these things are more important that obsessing over Miley Cyrus and The Jonas Brothers.

  2. Spirituality doesn't just mean ghosts and astral projection and astrology is bullpats.  Plus I'm not american.

  3. Compared to whom?  How many Americans do you know?

    You can find Americans that are very spiritual, other Americans couldn't care less about anything non-material and intangible.  Astrology is, like Genesis 1, pure nonsense, however. This is not a view held by all my fellow countrymen.  

  4. Possibly due to religious views and also being taught that things like that are from the devil or are false teachings. Just my view.


    To me, I find spirituality and astrology interesting.

  5. who say we do just another stereotype post  I'm very much in to astrology and the spirituality of many things I'm a natuer child and born in the USA thank you !

      plus next time you ask that question speak to a native American  Indian   go to there pow wow you well see both of this are very much of there lives :)

  6. I am nearly 56 years old and born in the United States of America.  I have lived within the continental US for the majority of my life; however, I could not possibly tell you why "Americans" do anything because I have met only a very small percentage of my fellow Americans.

    I hope this helps put things in proper perspective regarding generalization.


  7. There isn't any evidence showing either of them to be valid.

  8. Belle is correct. Even if the family aren't currently churchgoers the feelings persist. Neither of the two you mentioned will get you into heaven."I am the way the truth and the life, NO man cometh unto the Father but by Me"-Jesus.

  9. The Bible Belt is in the US. I think that's a big enough clue :P Basically, the Christian way of thinking is the accepted way of thinking here. Now, in some ways, it's an honestly great thing. In others, it's just asinine. Though that's not what you asked xD

  10. As nicely as I can put it, I think people, Americans especially, want to know everything. Without faith, spirituality and astrology are two things we do not know everything about. But not all Americans do that!!

  11. Because the majority of Americans are Christians and Christians believe that anything that isn't of God & directly from the Bible is evil.

  12. Not ALL Americans feel that way about those two things.

  13. ignorance is bliss.

    Most people are content to live in unquestioned delusions.

    Their parents did, and their parents parents before them..

    it is the cycle.

    it is sad

  14. One can be spiritual without being religious and that is interesting, but Astrology is run by con artistes to dupe the ignorant of their money.

  15. First of all... Belle, your answer doesn't make any sense. If the majority of americans are Christian, why should spirituality cause them to "shut down"????

    I don't really know what to say otherwise. Could be that a lot of Americans view these things as superstition or just plain fiction, and they aren't as into playing games as they used to be, or they are playing games... just of a more demented sort.

  16. because they lack the knowledge..and have been blinded too much by the Church and institutions of like to look for deeper understanding

    East has guides and basic knowledge, they are allowed to keep thier mind open so they have answers

    I agree with Belle..they have been programmed as such

  17. We don't, at least not the ones that walk with our eyes shot. Only the open minded ones don't shut down. But that goes for all nationalities.

  18. astronomy replaced astrology, as chemistry replaced alchemy and neurology replaced phrenology

  19. they may not be religious and superstitious

  20. I would like to say that my fellow Americans are wisely following the advice to remain quiet when they are in doubt about their expertise, but I know better. I've never known Americans to shut up about anything.

  21. Maybe too much restriction. They like freedom i think.

  22. That's a bit of a generalisation isn't it? Not all Americans do.

    There are people of all nationalities that close off to concepts they disagree with. A fear of things they do not understand, and the dogmas of the religious path they follow can colour the way that they see things too.

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