
In your opinion: Why does Captialism work and Socialism appears to have failed?

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In your opinion: Why does Captialism work and Socialism appears to have failed?




  1. Well 1st lets point out that Socialism is simply Communism on training wheels, there is no dispute of that.

    Socialism and Communism help to destroy any incentive to work harder than is absolutely necessary to get the job done. There is no motivation to work harder, become more productive etc... In the real world we work for one simple reason, to provide for OURSELVES and our FAMILY. We don't work so that a some ignorant group of people can call us greedy or selfish when we object to the legalized theft (taxes)of the wealth WE created by our labors so Big Brother can give it to those who don't labor to create weath.

    Capitalism for all it's flaws is more in line with human nature and nature in general.  You get a return on your investment of labor which then allows you to survive and possibly flourish.

    In the real world virtually every living thing has to provide for for itself or eventuallty it will die off.  Aseop's tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper come to mind as an example of this.

  2. Your question is pretty broad.  Even the US doesn't practice pure capitalism.  How do you define capitalism and socialism?

  3. I have said this before, but....

    Capitalism creates the best economy and allows for little interference from the gov't because it is practically self mending. One problem today is that people would rather collect from welfare rather than working hard for their money. I own a small lobstering business. I had one employee who worked extremely hard for 3 weeks. During the 4th week his family came over and asked why he was working so hard, and they were bragging (yes bragging) that they were doing nothing and still making money. They forced him to quit and receive money from the government. It is better to inspire people to work harder, rather than to have people rely on welfare.

    Basically here are my views on Capitalism and Socialism:

    Capitalism = People who work hard are rewarded. Opportunities for all, the sky is the limit. Probably the one modern economic system that is successful. It provides competition, which leads to bigger and better products and technologies that make life easier and more manageable. The market is decided by the consumer.

    Socialism = In socialistic society the government determines who produces what and how much. This doesn’t work. In a socialistic society there is no incentive to work or produce. Ultimately all socialistic systems have failed. There are a few in Europe that are still struggling, but their economies are falling behind. Eventually because of the failing businesses all of the government benefits will not have the quality as the programs run in the private sector.

    The drive to succeed as an individual is the strongest motivating factor a human being can feel. The fact that individuals are driven to succeed is in all our interests.

    Here is a quote explaining the fact that the market is decided by the consumer, "In capitalism, the market determines price, including pay - the price of labour. If some people are paid huge sums, that is because other people believe they have unique talents which are worth paying for. If they fail to perform, then they will stop being rewarded so highly. This is all part of a dynamic capitalist system which values individuality and rewards ability and risk-taking."


    Capitalism- ruled by the individual

    Socialism- ruled by the state

  4. They both work, and work very well together in most countries.

    Communism is what has failed.  Socialism and communism are two very different ideologies.

  5. Humans do not do an equal amount of production.

    Under socialism, hard workers now must carry the weight of the ones who contribute very little.

    Socialism may work in very small groups like families, but not large scale.

    If there is no reward for hard work, why bother?

  6. It doesn't unless carried to the point of fascism, as it is in the U.S.

    In a nut shell, debt is socialized (corporate bailouts) but wealth is restricted to capitalists, at the expense of that socialized debt.

    Without the government using the wealth of the people to support one class, capitalism falls to pieces. And the mixture of business and government is what fascism is. The only operations that are TBTF, are only so when borne on the backs of the middle class. The success of capitalism is, I'm afraid, fraud pure and simple.

  7. The only reason Communism is still alive is because Capitalism promotes it (as in China and Cuba).    Outsourcing is building the economies of these countries and their ability to exploit the proletariat.  

    Socialism is the weak part of a society.  Capitalists are the ones who make the money and Socialism spends it (some things necessarily, others, not so much).  I wish America could move to a more Capitalist state (like Japan), but I don't think that's ever going to happen.  The work ethic here is a lot lower, and people aren't willing to create Collective Capitalism...but wouldn't it be nice?

  8. in general I'd have to say given the current situation  they jury's been called back. mainly because we have corporate / government whores and thieves running the capitalist system. its not really the system its the practitioners.

  9. Society has made most humans greedy. The only way i could see Socialism working is in an isolated society and the people living there would have to be living with socialism since birth. Past Socialist experiments failed because of power-hungry leaders. In Capitalism, everyone is power-hungry so noone notices their leaders.

  10. Because its easier to be selfish and greedy than to put others first.

  11. Socialism retards growth and prosperity.  It goes against basic human nature, which is to strive to better provide more for yourself and your family.  Socialism takes that away, in socialism, no matter how hard you work, or how lazy you are, your income is the same, and that discourages hard work and ingenuity.  People don't have the incentive to work hard and invent things and grow businesses.

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