
In your opinion as a parent,what is your favorite thing to do with your child?

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I would say mine would be, spending quality time with my niece. Just doing whatever we both want to do

What would be yours?




  1. I take each of my kids on "dates".  It gives me a chance to do something special with each one separately.  We also like to get in the car and play "right, left, right".  They take turns telling me which direction to turn at the next light or stop sign.  The sole purpose is to see how lost we can get in under 30minutes!!  We pick different starting points and soak up the scenery!!!

  2. Mines would be the random family tickle fights.



  3. I love it when we wake up from a sleep in on the weekend when my 2 girls (5&3) come and bounce on the bed and climb in with us and it's TICKLE TIME lol, I love anytime when they laugh as they have the cutest lil laughs, it's impossible not to laugh with them... lol

  4. Listening to them talk, it is amazing the things they come up with they are innocent little people and say the weirdest things.

    My daughter was about 6 or 7 and it was Christmas time and  we were donating toys to kids and she said momma can the kids that don't have anything come live with us?

    That made me feel good to know that she cares about other people.I just love listening to them both, even though sometimes I want peace and quiet. I <3 my babies.

  5. just spending time with then doing almost whatever they want and having a laugh together

  6. i love baking cakes with them and playing on the trampoline its great fun!!!

  7. Just playing games with them.  That could mean playing with hotwheels cars and racing or going out and kicking around a soccer ball or just playing board games or computer games....really i just enjoy spending time doing thing fun with the boys.

  8. I have to agree with (Mari_), listening to your kids talk is AMAZING. My son is 2 1/2 and he says some off the wall things. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's akward, sometimes I have to remind myself how old he is. His favorite saying right now is "Mommy, Oh My Freakin Gosh!!" It's the cutest thing =]

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