
In your opinion do you think Ireland has become a very wet country because we have more rain then sunshine?

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In your opinion do you think Ireland has become a very wet country because we have more rain then sunshine?




  1. Ireland has always been a wet country.  That's why it's forty shades of green.

  2. The sales of umbrellas and buckets have gone up by 500% in the past 3 months.  Raincoats up by 400% and wellies by 1000% as you need two of them.

  3. hi you

    normally ireland has always been wet, but this year(2008) must be the wetest on record

  4. I was there last week and in between the rain storms we had a few showers, but what a great place, it wouldn't put me off coming over again.

  5. Seems to be the way the weather's been this summer. Rain, rain and more rain. Even over in Scotland and England. (It's supposed to be mid-August summertime.)

  6. well yes, it is a "wet country" but thats not new....but saying that, maybe nostalgia is hitting me (at 18 years old!) but i remember when i was a kid going to the beach and playing outside eveyday in the sun during summer.....

    AND it actually snowed it winter! Now it just rains allll the time....


    Actually its lashin right now here in Wicklow! Rain sucks!

    But I think we can all agree its down to the ole' global warming issue *sigh*


  7. It never stops.   In Dublin last year we had 43 consequtive days of rain from end of may to early july. This year is turning out just as bad.

  8. well done einstein....rain is wet

  9. ? Nothing new there!  Its always been wet, due to the fact that it is the first piece of land that weather systems hit coming in over the Atlantic!

  10. judging by this morning i'd say definetly!

  11. Ireland was never a dry country but the past few summers have been even worse.  

  12. It's always been that way

  13. Think it is like that in the British Isles full stop!!!!

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