
In your opinion.. is it wise to keep a hamster (& cage) in my daughters bedroom?

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I question how healthy that is for one to breathe especially as you sleep. Even if it is kept clean it has a certain odor.




  1. As long as it is kept clean it shouldn't be a problem health wise, but your daughter might not like it - even if she doesn't mind initially, she could change her mind once the novelty wears off.  

    I would make sure that I had another option to move the cage if it doesn't work out, but ultimately I would leave it up to your daughter to decide.

    In regards to health, it would only be a problem if they are allowed to get very dirty and the cage is not cleaned - your nose will object long before that happens!  

  2. Hamsters are very clean animals.Probably what you smell is the bedding which is harmless.The only problem is that hamsters are nocturnal.They are sometimes noisy at night.

  3. i would keep a hamster in a room like the laundry.

  4. There's no real risk to human heath from a hamster, however the exercise wheel (which is vital for a hamster) may disturb sleep. It's important to ensure good ventilation as the hamster will be breathing the same oxygen as humans, and the room needs to be reasonably quiet during the day to allow the hamster to sleep.

  5. I have hamsters in my room, and since I clean them regularly it's not a problem, but the only problem you will probably have is that hamsters wake up during the night and will run on the wheel or gnaw on the cage (so your daughter will not be able to sleep) - In this case, if this happens, during the night you will have to put the cage in another room like for example the bathroom.  I use paper based bedding like tissues and it's the best for hamsters,  

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