
In your opinion is it wrong to be so dirty minded that you look for the innuendo in just about everything?

by Guest60929  |  earlier

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That people say?




  1. Well if being a perv is wrong I don't wanna be right! lol

    No way....It's a gift that I was born with!

  2. wrong . . . . . . what do you mean by "wrong"??

    by the way, did you know "innuendo" is Italian for g*y s*x?

  3. no not wrong, get your Thrills. lol

  4. I don't know about wrong but it sure is common.  Or maybe it's just my friends and me.

    I'm thinking of getting a tee shirt made that says "That's what she said".  It would just save the time and effort.

  5. Not at all  if fact I do it all the time  and looking at your picture  makes me all kinds of thoughts  

  6. My best friend's husband does this to the point that I'll find an excuse not to see her if I know he will be around. I'm really hard to offend so it's pretty bad.  I hate that it affects my relationship with her but I just can't take it.  Every once in a while would be ok or even funny but all the time is just creepy.

  7. I can not help it.

  8. Whatever floats your boat, but I think it's human nature to see the dirty in all clean

    Cheers =)

  9. Id say i can be guilty of that...but whats so wrong about it...most of the time the innuendos arent hidden very well

  10. If I answer wrong, will I be spanked?

  11. Hehe... innuendo...

  12. That depends on who you ask.

    The YAmster seems to have some trouble with it, but I'll leave the YAmster to Richard Gere, where he belongs.  

  13. I find it annoying. I don't think it's wrong, but it's irritating and a bit immature when it's taken to the extreme. I got engaged a while back and whenever I mentioned 'my ring', my fiance and his pathetic little mates would giggle. It got real old, real fast, especially from non-teenagers.  

  14. I don't think it's wrong, in fact, finding an innuendo has been largely celebrated in my life. My friends and I worked on our college newspaper together, and we initiated an "innuendo bell" because the entertainment editor kept finding them in everything everyone's not even that we're dirty minded, it's just funny. Unfortunately none of us ever had a work environment like that again.

  15. Yes, wrong, stupid, juvenile, whatever label you want to put on it!  I guess Beavis and Butthead live on.

  16. Depends on how you express it and where you are.  Are you in a bar with a bunch of like minded people?  Carry on.  Are you in an environment where such behavior would be frowned upon?  You'd better use some self control.

    Also, I would start trying to think outside the box more.  The whole world is not based on sexual innuendo's.  To think so is rather simplistic.  I'd go on an innuendo diet for periods of time and try to look at the world from different perspectives.

  17. If it is then I have the dirtiest perverted mind on the planet

  18. Some people might say it is, some might not. Do what makes you happy, after all, you can never please everyone AND yourself : )

  19. "innuendo" has "nude" in it.. heh heh

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