
In your opinion/s is Sarah Palin way better Hillary Rodham Clinton and etc for 1st woman president or both...?

by Guest31765  |  earlier

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In their different ways of course.




  1. No.

  2.   I like Sarah ,She seems down to earth

  3. i voted for obama in the primary. but hillary is more strong and determined. she does not go down with out a fight (primary)

    she has a great number of supporters. hillary showed her face and views.

    i never knew who palin was. she is from alaska. a state u barely hear about.

  4. If you think being a liar and hypocrite are good qualifications then Palin is way better than Clinton.

  5. maybe...  

  6. Oh my God, NO...  Sarah Palin wouldn't be allowed to stand on that stage and run as the VP of this country if women like Hillary Clinton (and other progressive women before her) hadn't paved the way.  

    That woman has NO experience and is running solely a platform of aggression and conservative values (which have not served her family well thus far).

    This country is headed down a dangerous path if that woman is allowed into Washington!!  

  7. Absolutely not. Sarah Palin is governor of a place that is 1/10 the population of Chicago. How does this qualify her over the a New York Senator?

  8. Sarah is for women, women who think just like her,

    I'm not like her, and I don't like her.

    Shes a draw to the Evangelicals, and that's fine, they need a candidate too, but shes too off the wall for me.  Creationism, no s*x ed, no abortion even in case of rape or incest, that's farther than most people want to go.

    Hillary comes by decisions after much input and study of factual material, shes one of those people who works their hearts out.

    I don't get that from Sarah.  

    Sarah may be more appealing if she meets your views, but not to the broader electorate.

    Hillary has also been elected twice as senator from NY, and she carried the predominatly Republican upstate area by 61%, and that wasn't because of her husband, a sexist idea I had hope we were finished with.

  9. I disagree with many of Hillary's positions. I think she got to be a Senator because of her husband. She hadn't done anything to earn being a Senator and she barely had enough time as a resident to run for the office. That being said she is a strong woman and has a strong will.

    I agree more with Governor Palin's point of view. Senators have legislative experience while Governors have executive experiance. The office of President is an executive job so in that regards Sarah Palin is more qualified then Hillary Clinton.  

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