
In your opinion what are three most important unanswered scientific, medical, and/or technological questions?

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In your opinion what are three most important unanswered scientific, medical, and/or technological questions?




  1. making  plastic  biodegradable!!!!!!!!!

  2. how do cell communicate with other cells, how do cell process information and how do cells store information

  3. In my opinion, the three would be:

    1. Is there really a "missing link"?

    2. Are there lifeforms in other planets? and

    3. Why did several ancient civilizations build numerous megastructures?

  4. I think some important answers we need are:

    - the cure for cancer and AIDS (all diseases actually)

    - a sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy source

    - how to enable third-world countries to look after their people

    I don't know whether they fit under your headings, but I think they're stuff we really need to sort out if this world is going to be a better place. I'm sure I could think of heaps more if I gave it more time, but I didn't want to overwhelm you with a list of hundreds!

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