
In your opinion what does this mean?

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I went to L&D 2 nights ago because of a lower stabbing pain that came and went about every 1-6 minutes. Dr confirmed that I am not dilating and there are not contractions. Baby was active and heartbeat is great. They sent me home and the pain continued. Have any of you experienced this. Hopefully the baby doesn't come to early. I am simply terrified of this!!! Pls tell any experiences you may have with this. Did you deliver early? I am 29 weeks today. Dr says he really think I can deliver at or around 35 weeks. I know his mouth is no bible but still worried. thanks




  1. What you're probably experiencing is what's called Braxton Hicks contractions, and obviously they contract your uterus in a manner than pinches something. I think I've had a few of those. What's really scary is when the baby pops a bone in-utero (like us cracking our nuckles). That really freaked me out. Whenever you get those pains lay on your left side until they subside. Your uterus is just warming up for the big day.

  2. i have had the same thing throughout my pregnancy, im 38 wks now. ive been into L&D about 10 times for it. its called round ligament pain.its usually mostly on the right side, due to most womens uterus naturally tips that way.

    usually a hot bath or shower or hot water bottle will help a little. its better to be safe than sorry and have it checked when it happens. my doc told me that it was normal but get it checked if it happens again or is still going on, they may have missed something. it happens. i have made it full term with these pains....hang in there!

  3. Its probably braxton hicks but it is possible to have your baby early, i know some1 who had their baby 9 weeks early.

    With my first i always got terrible braxton hicks and didnt know if it was labour or not. when u do go in to labour for real u will know.

    Normally they say u can deliver 2 weeks either side of your due date.

    When i was having my braxton hicks i kept thinking this is it, my daughter was actually born 13 days after her due date!


    7th march 09

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