
In your opinion what is better Judo or Sikaran?

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my 4 year old seems like he needs some extra activities outside the home for a challenge..we only have a Sikaran and Judo club here an I'm not sure which one i should put him in.




  1. Judo is a better art overall and is an olympic sport. It teaches students how to control and manipulate their opponents body, how to end fights quickly using devastating takedowns and throws (obviously a 4 year old will be taught the basics and not get right into it), how to use joint manipulation and chokes to subdue an opponent and is a very great workout.

    Sikaran is not a bad art within itself, however, in my opinion since it includes many weapons work I do not feel this would be beneficial and/or appropriate for a 4 year old. It also tries to show how to "defend" against armed attackers, but will end up giving people a false sense of confidence when faced with an attacker with a weapon.

    Just my two cents.

  2. "sikaran" might have the advantage in distant fighting.

  3. judo

  4. judo! :D

  5. judo is awesome, it a lot of fun.  But since the kid is only 4 i would enroll him in the school that has more similarly aged kids.

  6. IMO, I'd go for Sikaran. It has high kicks which any 4 year old will enjoy.

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