
In your opinion what is the line between teasing, flirtation, and harassment? How do you know when harassment?

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In your opinion what is the line between teasing, flirtation, and harassment? How do you know when harassment exists? Why do people not always agree on what harassment is and when it has occurred. . .




  1. Harassment is really in the eye of the beholder. If it makes you feel uncomfortable and you tell the person so, and they continue the behaveour, then it's probably harassment. Some people are more sensitive to things than others, that's why there are differing opinions about it.

  2. When someone feels uncomfortable about what someone has said or done to them, they have been harassed.

  3. Its harrassment when you are violating someones right to privacy and their wish to be left alone after telling you to leave them alone.

  4. when you feel uncomfortable

    an tell the person "please can you stop thst makes me uncomfortable"

    if they dont stop after that and your uncomfortable than i would saty thats harrasment

    you dont have to tell them to stop though its harrasment even if u dont

    but still i like to give ppl the benifit of the dought

    and they actually have to be harrassing u

    not just annoying u

  5. harassment is when you never leave someone alone almost like stalking someone .... and it could also be threatning too...... not good.

  6. Well there's usually a line like teasing can be flirty teasing or mean teasing, it just depends on the tone. And everyone feels differently about harassment because each person has their own limits and views on what is ok or accepteble.

  7. Harassment is if you say something to someone that they would not say or not want someone to say to their mother or their sister. Also any form of touching or getting too close to someone as to make them feel uncomfortable.

  8. harrasment is like, more pushed.

    makes you feel uncomfortable.

    and they'd do it knowing it would make you feel uncomfortable.

  9. Consent.

    If it's mutually-acceptable teasing or flirtation, then it isn't harassment; if one of the "participants" doesn't like it, it is.

    Harassers don't agree because they don't want to stop; they see it as harmless, because they aren't the ones it harms.

  10. depends on the situation i guess. if it's in the workplace or school or something and  you're uncomfortable, it's harassment

  11. It's harassment when it makes a woman uncomfortable.  That varies with the person, so it's best to avoid these subjects with people you do not know well.

    I'm 51 and there are things a 20 year oldguy can say to a 20 year old girl that would be fine for him to say but harassment if I should say it.

  12. Oh dear princess harassment occurrs when something is taken to far and causes the victim to feel uncomfortable. And it keeps happening again and again.

  13. Harassment is defined differently for everyone.  I think if someone makes you feel uncomfortable or threatened its harassment.

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