
In your opinion what is the most dangerous thing about paranormal investigating?

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In your opinion what is the most dangerous thing about paranormal investigating?




  1. attracting evil spirits

  2. Poltergeist

    This type of haunting involves throwing objects, movement of larger objects and/or disturbing noises rather than actually being visible. (The word poltergeist is in fact German for noisy ghost.) Poltergeist activity is actually triggered, normally by one person who created the connection, and research has shown that often this is a child. Also the activity may stop as suddenly as it starts. It should be noted when investigating that this is regarded as the most dangerous type of haunting to be involved with and many feel it is connected with demonic forces. Caution should be taken if you attempt to communicate with it.

  3. There is nothing particularly dangerous in the investigation.  However, "paranormal" means non-scientific.  The greatest danger is to the people who read the results and  end up believing in the paranormal, whatever that is.  That is the fundamental problem:  how does one distinguish between the normal and the paranormal?

  4. your wife thinks u have other woman when u head out at night.

  5. There's always the risk that you might cross the streams and cause every single particle in the entire universe to fly away from every other particle at the speed of light. Seriously, the biggest risk is that people will laugh at you.

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