
In your opinion what is the most powerful thing in the world?

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Any kind of answer is welcomed. I really want to know what yal think. What is the most powerful thing in the world?




  1. hope

  2. The cause and effect syndrome...... not even God can scuttle it...... miracles are b...s...

  3. In the long, but l...ooooooong run, silence.

  4. Unity

  5. Integrity.

  6. ACTIONS motivated by faith, to do the right thing and speak the truth no matter how unpopular that may be to do.

    following the crowd ,trying to be popular and falling for all the man made lies is a sure way to destruction.

    money,popularity,riches and good looks are of this world and mean nothing to our heavenly Father.

  7. Chuck Norris

  8. dark energy.

  9. The mind of GOD is the most powerfull thing in the world...

        He could account for our feeelings,our imaginations,and our determination as a species on this little planet to move forward in life,allways striveing harder and harder to reach the goals we set for ourselves...and then some...

  10. Love

  11. The tide.

    A person can always be "bested" by another with more power , or a group with more combined power .

    Gravity and the tide are very hard to best.

    It takes much power and many peoples effort to break free of gravity.

    I believe the tide has never been halted , nor the wind.

    If I'm wrong , what is powerful enough to stop either ?

    Love ?

    Hate ?


    I could argue the tide and wind ,  have both "bested " these.

  12. love is the most powerful thing in the world

  13. God.

    God is love.

    In other words, love is the most powerful thing.

    Someone who give up their life for someone they love. That is very powerful, if you ask me.

  14. gravity

  15. Life itself in every way, shape and form  

  16. Money. It's really sad, and I hate that fact, but honestly - without it - where would we be? Outside the world, I would say Time and Destiny; but in society, in humanity, money is really what rules us. Money, and procreation. Without it, none of us would be here. And that's how other animals spread too.

    It's kind of depressing. ;__;

  17. To my mind, I feel all the most powerful things are available right now before us. But such powers are dormant. I wonder where the dynamic power has gone?

  18. "The difference between stupidity and genius is that

    genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein

    Reality will always win in the end, but stupidity will cause untold damage in the interum.  

  19. well.. it should be love... but as i see it it's s*x... the s*x drive.... and sexual manifestations...

    - honesty never hurts!


    or was it...: "belief can move mountains." ?? lol - i can't make up my mind.....

    maybe it was: ideals!!, or ideas, thoughts, reason.... or a black hole in deep space.... or magic of the soul.... or even the universe itself!...

    depends!! - what are the limits of *your world*?? oasis in the middle of the desert can be the most powerful thing for a thirsty camel....

  20. faith!!!

  21. The Power of Love.


  22. The capacity to forgive.

  23. unconditional love ( directed by a personal spirituality. )

  24. "Mind Power(thinking,idiology's)"...It controls the whole Human Race...

    Only of its sake we are here today..

  25. Love, you can love so much, God , your children, chocolate. It can lead you astray, make you happy and full fill your life. I think love is so powerfl it is magic.


  26. That would have to be the Large Hadron Collider.  It pumps out ONE TRILLION electron volts!  That would definitely power up your iPod, no?

  27. Fear.

    Most wars are started by fear of something.  

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