
In your opinion what makes a good Reflexologist?

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What are the essential skills that anyone should have in order to be a good Reflexologist?




  1. For one thing they should have a thorough knowledge of how the body works, and how reflexology works, and also the history of reflexology. Then they should also have so many hours study in a certified coarse of reflexology. Some knowledge of oils, lotions, cornstarch and their application. The most common question a reflexology is asked is "What organ is that?" When they are working on a client. They need to be able to explain things to their clients without overwhelming them. They also need to work in a professional enviroment. Those are just my thoughts on the subject.

  2. What makes a good reflexologist is the same thing that makes a good practitioner of anything:'

    - professional knowledge so that they get good results. Any practitioner must "know his stuff".

    - like to work with people (and in their case, working with people's feet)

    - being able to communicate easily and pleasantly with their clients

    - being able to stay quiet if the client doesn't feel like talking (a practitioner who talks all the time is really annoying!)

    - be open and approachable

    - being able to answer questions in a simple way

    - making his clients feel welcome and the navel of the world for the duration of the session.

    Wishing you the very best!

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