
In your opinion, what makes someone a GOOD parent?

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Is it just DNA? I see people on here who seem to think a child is almost always better off with their bio parent. That somehow just because there's DNA between them, that makes that person somehow more qualified to be a better parent than an adoptive parent. I see people challenge the notion that a-parents can ever give a child a better life than the bio-parent. Why is that? Is it so hard to believe that people who are not biological to the child could possibly be better equipped to be "good" parents? And with that in mind, what then makes a good parent? What is a better life? I'd say a better life is giving children better opportunities & chances they might not otherwise have. I don't think all bio-mothers are crack-whores who deserve to have their kids taken away. But neither do I think all kids are better off w/ their bio-parent. Every situation is different!




  1. Some on ethat will love and stick up for their child no mater what happes and is ready to give up some of there life for that baby or child to be there with them 24/7

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