
In your opinion when the democrats make a Choice Between Obama And Clinton will either defeat McCain.?

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In your opinion when the democrats make a Choice Between Obama And Clinton will either defeat McCain.?




  1. Yes Hillary will Definitly!!!!!!!

  2. A very tough task to accomplish

  3. In my opinion, if one won the election and took the other as the vice president, they would defeat McCain hands down.

  4. People are tiered of the wast of time, money and lives, lost in Iraq. McCain wants to fight for 100 years.

  5. landslid over Mccain.

  6. I think Obama has a very good chance but Clinton has "jumped the shark" now

  7. I expect Obama to be inaugurated next 1/20/09, while holding McCain's decapitated head in his hands.

    Obama would win even if Ronald Reagan came back to life.

  8. Not likely.

    It seems that the biggest tangible 'fault' of McCain is that he acknowledges that he won't immediately withdraw US forces from Iraq.

    But Obama has conceded (logically, to his credit) that he wouldn't fully withdraw US forces if there remained a terrorist threat in Iraq (Al Quiada, etc.).

    Tax and spend liberals, which Obama will be easily painted as, still can't win the economic argument.

    And I think that there are still a lot of people who will discount Obama solely on race (although one can arugue that those people wouldn't likely vote Democrat anyway).

    If Hillary steals the nomination, she'll lose handily (she has 100% name recognition and a 48% negative reaction).

    Neither one would be the other's running mate, nor should they, as that would be stupid politics. Clinton has nothing to gain as vice president, and Obama would have a lot to lose being on the losing ticket, I think.

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