
In your opinion which astrological sign is most overrated?

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In your opinion which astrological sign is most overrated?




  1. Guest57261

     I believe Scorpio as a Sun sign is overrated especially in women. I know way TOO MANY codependent Scorpio women whose reason for living is a man. Capricorns may top Scorpio with being overrated as conservative, responsible etc. All the Capricorn women I know are whores in denial. As a matter of fact believe Capricorns choose to live in a fabricated existence. It isn't hard to notice that who they want to portray themselves to be and who they really are is a complete contrast to their reality. Since they also suffer from delusions of grandeur, they also have poor work ethics. I'm so over reading and hearing about the Scorpion strength when its often to tolerate bullshit and the Capricorn shrewd who too often is a promiscuous damsel in distress wanting to be rescued while living in a constant state of denial and no sense of true self reflection.

  2. Guest56542

     I think that Scorpios are the most overrated. Everyone thinks that they are the best world leaders just because there are 22 of them. COME ON, HILIRY CLINTON IS A SCORPIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY REALLY SUCK!!!!!!

  3. Yeah Leos, I know many of them :-D... They think they are always right and like using others... Not all of them. But almost every leo is arrogant and oversensitive to critique. Yes they are hard-workers (same as me) and some of them are very intelligent and alluring like my ex-girlfriend :-(

    Virgo sun / Scorpio moon / Leo venus :/

  4. i think leo is overrated, peolpe says they are the kings, that they can get anything they want  and stuff but i dont see that, they are good people but are also full of flaws insecurity, sometimes are mean and superficial. my opinion = )  

  5. Not overrated, but stereotyped. Every sign is stereotyped somewhat and therefore often misunderstood. I think the worst ones are Scorpio, Virgo, and Libra. Scorpio, they always think about s*x. Virgo, they are cold, aloof, and frigid, and accept nothing less than perfect. Libra, they are extremely charming and beautiful, the true manifestation of femininity, chocolates and flowers, yadda yadda yadda.

    I'm very proud that I'm a Virgo and a living proof that I am not as described above.

  6. None

  7. I would have to say Pisces, which is my own sign.  I am a professional astrologer too!!

    People love this sign but it is fraught with difficulties (addictions, too idealistic, too dreamy, lazy, I could go on and on.)  

    Your sign is also overrated.  Scorpio is AS overrated as Pisces, perhaps MORE with all the focus on the sexual, the psychic, the mysterious.  You can be all that but in a negative way as well as a positive way.

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