
In your opinion who was the star of 9/11 and what did they do to receive top billing?

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In your opinion who was the star of 9/11 and what did they do to receive top billing?




  1. Pretty weird question but I'll play along.  I'd have to say the victims were the "stars".  All they did was show up to work that fateful morning...

  2. The NYPD & Fire department & Rudy got too much attention only because he was mayor

  3. Rudy Giuliani got an awful lot of publicity immediately following the attacks.  His star has faded somewhat since then.

  4. There is no one star from 9/11, it has to go to all of the people involved.

    Flight 93, Rescuers, all the people who responded in one way or another,

    even the people who put flags out the next day.

  5. The stars were all of the people who ran towards the flames.

  6. firefighters and police.

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