
In your opinion would unisex wards help hospitals in the medical ward and bed shortage problem?

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In your opinion would unisex wards help hospitals in the medical ward and bed shortage problem?




  1. most hospital do already have unisex wards.......

  2. absolutely and same in childrens ward the vomiting bug was going here in limerick and instead of all the kids with it been in one ward the whole place had it and same with other wards they should put people with it all in together to stop the virus spreading and closing wards and stopping surgery etc because of it . i think the way things are handled is a bit stupid and the nurses are getting paid alot already and like every job a cap has to be put on how much you earn wages simply can't keep rising and rising otherwise the country will be fu**ed

  3. In reality most hospitals already have unisex wards. They are often divided into single s*x bays within those wards. The problem of bed shortage is complex. In my experience hospitals run at or very close to capacity on most days. Over the past decade a huge effort has been made to make efficency savings and solve process problems that cause delays in discharge and contribute to to capacity issue.

    The downside of this approach is that the healthcare system is becoming less flexible in the way it responds to individual needs. There can be very few savings left to make in terms of the patients journey through the hospital.

    The problem is more fundamental. medical science has become increasingly expert in extending life (mortality), by managing chronic disease. It has not however suceeded in reducing the ill effects of those same disease (morbidity). As a consequence poeple with severe health problems are living for longer and requiring healthcare for a longer period.

    It is however true to say that the healthcare budget has increased vastly in the UK over the past decade. In my experience a good proportion of this expansion has been swallowed up by a vast increase in middle management and beaurocracy associated with administration of targets.

  4. bed shortage will be more, as patients will refuse to leave the hospital.

    number of pregnant women will increase dramatically.

  5. I thought most wards were unisex... but aside from that, there would still be a shortage of beds. Too many sick people...

  6. Think blokes should be kept away from females, when my mum was in hospital this guy jumped on one of the women in the ward and there was a right hullabaloo.

  7. Nope......The beds would still all be full....but it would make things interesting - I for one would not object to having nice men in the ward

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