
In your opinion would you buy a house right next to a primary school oval?

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If the house and yard was really nice and all the family liked it?

It also has a laneway going along the side of the house just to go to the school.

My kids would not go to that school as they have their own school only 10 minutes away.

The advantage is that my kids would have an oval to run around and a few playgrounds etc for after school and weekends. And of course its a lovely home - nothing to do to it.

The disadvantage is that there is a bit of graffiti down the laneway and also worry a bit if anyone could jump the fence from the oval (we do have a dog though). Also the school bell would go off during the day but it would only be lunch and recess that my littlest child and I would hear during the week. Whether later on that would be annoying I dont know.

What does everyone think? I really appreciate any thoughts.

Thanks :)




  1. Bad, my old primary school used to chuck rocks at the house next door from the oval it broke all the windows.

    you also have 2 be careful for the sport equipment that purposely gets thrown over.....DANGEROUS kids also throw rubbish over the fence

    so id be careful

  2. no, I'd never buy a house close to a school, as in on the same street/road. especially a high school.

  3. I think you should ask your potential neighbors how they like their neighborhood and any problems they may have.  The good may outweigh the bad.

    The traffic, the noise ... I lived a couple of blocks away from an elementary school and when classes let out in the early afternoon it was a nightmare mainly the parents parking all over the place, not obeying any traffic laws (it was actually somewhat dangerous), the children meandering across the streets (after the light has turned red). etc. Nevertheless, that was only couple of hours a day for about half the year. The rest of the time the neighborhood was wonderful.

  4. If it was next to the oval, perhaps. Is the oval away from the parents pick up area and the bus zone? Is the house likely to get a lot of traffic past it?

    I personally would never live near a school - too much traffic congestion, and the kids running around. Primary school would not be as bad as a high school as the kids are more likely to be looked after and under supervision.......

  5. No, I would never move next to a high school or junior high. I would consider moving next to an elementary school. In my neighborhood, the houses close to the high  school have to deal with (minor, but still lowers the value of your property) students parking their cars in front of their homes. The biggest problem is that groups of kids will come on your property with no respect for you. They will litter or throw cigarette butts on your grass. If you tell them you want them to leave, they curse at you. I live in a "nice" Northwest neighborhood, and I have attended town meetings where citizens that live next to the school are miserable and have many complaints about unruly kids. I would never leave my dog outside if I lived next door to the school either as someone I know had a high school student throw rocks at their dog everyday walking to school. They had to make their dog a permanent inside dog. Sorry to sound negative, but I do not want you to get stuck.

  6. Well, I can't answer it for you, just a little FYI I'm not sure what state you are in but here (CA) if someone does jump your fence and your dog bites them you are liable unless you posts warning signs on the outside of the fence saying that there is a dog there. I would find out through your Realtor if you would be able to post a sign on the outside of the fence, if you can't you could be risking a lawsuit.

  7. If thwe houase is a great deal than I say go for it

  8. I would never live close to any school. You put up with trash, noise and kids running around in your yard.

  9. also there would a lot of traffic when school gets out and in the mornings when school starts. & that can be really annoying too.

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